Extent of reaction bD+vE+…→>vF+vG+ t=0,=0 D,0 E,0 GO t=t, s=5 n 20世纪初比利时的 Dekonder引进反应进度的定义为: d B/B,0 ds 2单位:mo B is the stoichiometric coefficient of component B negative - reactants and positive -products 4上一内容下一内容令回主目录 返回 2021/223上一内容 下一内容 回主目录 返回 2021/2/23 Extent of reaction 20世纪初比利时的Dekonder引进反应进度的定义为: B B,0 B n n   − = B B d d n   =     D E F G D E F G + +→ + + t = t, = nD E n F n G n t = 0, = 0 nD,0 nE,0 nF,0 nG,0  单位:mol  is the stoichiometric coefficient of component B, negative - reactants and positive - products
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