edition of Mrs.Dalloway published by in 1928,"I want to give the slipperiness of the soul.I want to give life and death,sanity and insanity;I want to criticize the social system,and to show it at work,at its most intense." Irene Simon:"It is just the purpose of Virginia Woolf to abolish 5 the distinction between dream and reality;she effects this by mixing images with gestures,thoughts with impressions,visions with pure sensations,and by presenting them as mirrored on a consciousness.” communication and connection people long for but fail to achieve 5 especially between people who are apparently close:wife and husband,parents and children,acquaintances and friends Sally:"Are we not all prisoners?.despairing of human relationships(people were so difficult)."(p140) But there exist secret,hidden path to other people beneath conventional social relations:Clarissa and Septimus,Peter and Lucrezia with beggar woman who moums for dead love. Septimus and Mrs.Bradshaw:shut up,suppressed,narrowed, victim of the same force. People don't say what they feel.What people said "superficial" and "fragmentary"(p89)Lucrezia does not confess her unhappiness to anyone;Peter almost asks Clarissa what she really 5 edition of Mrs. Dalloway published by in 1928, “I want to give the slipperiness of the soul.I want to give life and death, sanity and insanity; I want to criticize the social system, and to show it at work, at its most intense.” Irene Simon: “It is just the purpose of Virginia Woolf to abolish the distinction between dream and reality; she effects this by mixing images with gestures, thoughts with impressions, visions with pure sensations, and by presenting them as mirrored on a consciousness.” communication and connection people long for but fail to achieve especially between people who are apparently close: wife and husband, parents and children, acquaintances and friends. Sally: “Are we not all prisoners?.despairing of human relationships (people were so difficult).” (p140) But there exist secret, hidden path to other people beneath conventional social relations: Clarissa and Septimus, Peter and Lucrezia with beggar woman who mourns for dead love. Septimus and Mrs. Bradshaw: shut up, suppressed, narrowed, victim of the same force. People don’t say what they feel. What people said “superficial” and “fragmentary” (p89) Lucrezia does not confess her unhappiness to anyone; Peter almost asks Clarissa what she really 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’
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