)2. The waitress Kate Jones was having a picnic with her friends in the park when man first walked on the moon ( )3. The postman John remembers that he was watching TV at home, but the doctor paul doesn 't remember what he was doing when neil Armstrong landed on the moon ()4. The clerk linda saw the man land on the moon while she was working that day ( )5. Mark, the teacher, can remember clearly that he was having fun in the playground with his friends when it happened 答案解析 I.答案:1.rang heroes 3. heard playground I答案:1. heroes2. were killed3. silent4. happened 5. heard Ⅲ.答案:1~5. BDACD Ⅳ.答案:1. heard about2. happened3. in silence meaning 5. wasnt as crowded as V.答案:1~5. BFDCG( )2. The waitress Kate Jones was having a picnic with her friends in the park when man first walked on the moon. ( )3. The postman John remembers that he was watching TV at home, but the doctor Paul doesn’t remember what he was doing when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. ( )4. The clerk Linda saw the man land on the moon while she was working that day. ( )5. Mark, the teacher, can remember clearly that he was having fun in the playground with his friends when it happened. 答案解析 Ⅰ. 答案:1. rang 2. heroes 3. heard 4. flew 5. playground Ⅱ. 答案:1. heroes 2. were killed 3. silent 4. happened 5. heard Ⅲ. 答案: 1~5. BDACD Ⅳ. 答案:1. heard about 2. happened 3. in silence 4. has; meaning 5. wasn’t as crowded as Ⅴ. 答案: 1~5. BFDCG
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