Java Concurrency In Practice If an application goes to read from a socket when no data is available,read blocks until some data is available.In a single-threaded application,this means that not only does processing the corresponding request stall,but processing of all requests stalls while the single thread is blocked.To avoid this problem,single-threaded server applications are forced to use non-blocking I/O,which is far more complicated and error-prone than synchronous I/O.However,if each request has its own thread,then blocking does not affect the processing of other requests. Historically,operating systems placed relatively low limits on the number of threads that a process could create,as few as several hundred(or even less).As a result,operating systems developed efficient facilities for multiplexed I/O,such as the Unix select and poll system calls,and to access these facilities,the Java class libraries acquired a set of packages (java.nio)for non-blocking I/O.However,operating system support for larger numbers of threads has improved significantly,making the thread-per-client model practical even for large numbers of clients on some platforms. [1]The NPTL threads package,now part of most Linux distributions,was designed to support hundreds of thousands of threads.Non-blocking I/O has its own benefits,but better OS support for threads means that there are fewer situations for which it is essential. 1.2.4.More Responsive User Interfaces GUl applications used to be single-threaded,which meant that you had to either frequently poll throughout the code for input events(which is messy and intrusive)or execute all application code indirectly through a "main event loop".If code called from the main event loop takes too long to execute,the user interface appears to"freeze"until that code finishes,because subsequent user interface events cannot be processed until control is returned to the main event loop. Modern GUl frameworks,such as the AWT and Swing toolkits,replace the main event loop with an event dispatch thread(EDT).When a user interface event such as a button press occurs,application-defined event handlers are called in the event thread.Most GUl frameworks are single-threaded subsystems,so the main event loop is effectively still present,but it runs in its own thread under the control of the GUl toolkit rather than the application. If only short-lived tasks execute in the event thread,the interface remains responsive since the event thread is always able to process user actions reasonably quickly.However,processing a long-running task in the event thread,such as spell-checking a large document or fetching a resource over the network,impairs responsiveness.If the user performs an action while this task is running,there is a long delay before the event thread can process or even acknowledge it.To add insult to injury,not only does the Ul become unresponsive,but it is impossible to cancel the offending task even if the Ul provides a cancel button because the event thread is busy and cannot handle the cancel button-press event until the lengthy task completes!If,however,the long-running task is instead executed in a separate thread,the event thread remains free to process Ul events,making the Ul more responsive.4 Java Concurrency In Practice If an application goes to read from a socket when no data is available, read blocks until some data is available. In a singleͲthreaded application, this means that not only does processing the corresponding request stall, but processing of all requests stalls while the single thread is blocked. To avoid this problem, singleͲthreaded server applications are forced to use nonͲblocking I/O, which is far more complicated and errorͲprone than synchronous I/O. However, if each request has its own thread, then blocking does not affect the processing of other requests. Historically, operating systems placed relatively low limits on the number of threads that a process could create, as few as several hundred (or even less). As a result, operating systems developed efficient facilities for multiplexed I/O, such as the Unix select and poll system calls, and to access these facilities, the Java class libraries acquired a set of packages (java.nio) for nonͲblocking I/O. However, operating system support for larger numbers of threads has improved significantly, making the threadͲperͲclient model practical even for large numbers of clients on some platforms.[1] [1] The NPTL threads package, now part of most Linux distributions, was designed to support hundreds of thousands of threads. NonͲblocking I/O has its own benefits, but better OS support for threads means that there are fewer situations for which it is essential. 1.2.4. More Responsive User Interfaces GUI applications used to be singleͲthreaded, which meant that you had to either frequently poll throughout the code for input events (which is messy and intrusive) or execute all application code indirectly through a "main event loop". If code called from the main event loop takes too long to execute, the user interface appears to "freeze" until that code finishes, because subsequent user interface events cannot be processed until control is returned to the main event loop. Modern GUI frameworks, such as the AWT and Swing toolkits, replace the main event loop with an event dispatch thread (EDT). When a user interface event such as a button press occurs, applicationͲdefined event handlers are called in the event thread. Most GUI frameworks are singleͲthreaded subsystems, so the main event loop is effectively still present, but it runs in its own thread under the control of the GUI toolkit rather than the application. If only shortͲlived tasks execute in the event thread, the interface remains responsive since the event thread is always able to process user actions reasonably quickly. However, processing a longͲrunning task in the event thread, such as spellͲchecking a large document or fetching a resource over the network, impairs responsiveness. If the user performs an action while this task is running, there is a long delay before the event thread can process or even acknowledge it. To add insult to injury, not only does the UI become unresponsive, but it is impossible to cancel the offending task even if the UI provides a cancel button because the event thread is busy and cannot handle the cancel buttonͲpress event until the lengthy task completes! If, however, the longͲrunning task is instead executed in a separate thread, the event thread remains free to process UI events, making the UI more responsive
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