Antigen Presentation to Lymphocytes responses triggered by different modes of antigen pre Sugita M.Moody DB.Jackman (1998)CDI-A new paradigm sentation should provide important clues in understanding and treating immunological disorders associated with To dysregu d SE against various pathogens. al of Expe a References 37. Goodnow CC (1996)Balar tuning lymphocyte e N Further Reading S9g224-22 mann Jo.Ha 8r9368-373.m n.In:Paul WE eds) York:Raven Press M.Wilso Liu YJ.De Bo eiller and Fugier-Vivier 1(197)Mechanisms of The CDl fam 89256-26 8820-83 Roitt IM.B n Male DK(London:Cower y role of Whitton (1)overvicw of antigen ole in the L 199 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES/e 2001 Nature Publishing Group /www.els.netresponses triggered by different modes of antigen pre￾sentation should provide important clues in understanding and treating immunological disorders associated with dysregulated immune responses such as allergy and autoimmunity, as well as developing effective vaccines against various pathogens. References Goodnow CC (1996) Balancing immunity and tolerance: Deleting and tuning lymphocyte repertories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 93: 2264–2271. Koopmann JO, Hammerling GJ and Momburg F (1997) Generation, intracellular transport and loading of peptides associated with MHC class I molecules. Current Opinion in Immunology 9: 80–88. Kosco MH (1991) Antigen presentation to B cells. Current Opinion in Immunology 3: 336–339. Liu YJ, De Bouteiller O and Fugier-Vivier I (1997) Mechanisms of selection and differentiation in germinal centers. Current Opinion in Immunology 9: 256–262. Pieters J (1997) MHC class II restricted antigen presentation. Current Opinion in Immunology 9: 89–96. Rizvi N, Chaturvedi UC and Mathur A (1989) Obligatory role of macrophages in dengue virus antigen presentation to B lymphocytes. Immunology 67: 38–43. Sigal L, Crotty S, Andino R and Rock KL (1999) Cytotoxic T-cell immunity to virus-infected non-haematopoietic cells requires pre￾sentation of exogenous antigen. Nature 398: 77–80. Sugita M, Moody DB, Jackman RM et al. (1998) CD1-A new paradigm for antigen presentation and T cell activation. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology 87: 8–14. Townsend SE and Goodnow CC (1998) Abortive proliferation of rare T cells induced by direct or indirect presentation by rare B cells in vivo. Journal of Experimental Medicine 187: 1611–1621. Van Kooten C and Banchereau J (1997) Functions of CD40 on B cells, dendritic cells and other cells. Current Opinion in Immunology 9: 330– 337. Further Reading Carbone FR, Kurts C, Bennett SRM, Miller JFAP and Heath WR (1998) Cross-presentation: a general mechanism for CTL immunity and tolerance. Immunology Today 19: 368–373. Germain RN (1993) Antigen processing and presentation. In: Paul WE (eds) Fundamental Immunology. New York: Raven Press. Porcelli SA, Segelke BW, Sugita M, Wilson IA and Brenner MB (1998) The CD1 family of lipid antigen-presenting molecules. Immunology Today 19: 362–368. Robertson M (1998) Antigen presentation. Current Biology 8: 829–831. Roitt IM, Brostoff J and Male DK (1989) Immunology. London: Gower Medical Publishing. Whitton JL (1998) An overview of antigen presentation and its central role in the immune response. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 232: 1–13. Antigen Presentation to Lymphocytes ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / www.els.net 5
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