C. Kaya/Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23(2003)1655-1660 Acknowledgements 95.40.239-265 Profs. P. Bowen and s. blackburn are acknowledged 12. Kirihara, S, Tomota, Y. and Tsijimoto, T, Application of an for the provision of laboratory facilities in the School of termetallic compound Ti5si3 to functionally graded materials. Sci.Eng.A,1997,240,600-604 Metallurgy and Materials and the IrC in materials pro- 13. Sarkar, P, Datta, S and Nicholson, P.S., Fuctionally graded cessing, respectively. Partial financial support by the Eur- ceramic/ceramic and metal/ceramic opean Commission under the contract number brite deposition. Comp. Part B--Eng, 1997, 28, 49- EURAM. BRPR-CT97-0609 is also acknowledged 14. Moritz, K. Thauer, R. and Muller, E, Electrophoretic deposi- tion of nano-scaled zirconia powders prepared by laser evapora- References Mullite Ceramic Matrix Composites. PhD Thesis, The Uni of Birmingham, UK. June 1999 1. Lin. C. Y. McShane. H. B. and Rawlings, R. D. Extrusion 16. Harbach F and Nienburg. H. Homogeneous functional ceramic rocess for manufacture of bulk functionally graded materials. mposnents through electrophoretic deposition from stable col- Powder Metall. 1996. 39. 219-222 lodal suspensions-lI Beta-alumina and concepts for industrial 2. Rawlings, R. D, Tailoring properties-functionally graded roduction. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.. 1998. 18. 685-692. naterials. Mater. World. 1995.3. 474-475 17. Kaya, C, Boccaccini, A. R and Chawla, K. K, Electrophoretic 3. Zhang W.F Xi.N.S.. Tao C.H. Han.J C and Du s. Y deposition forming of nickel-coated-carbon-fibre-reinforced bor isting thermal shock behaviours silicate-glass-matrix composites J. A. Ceram. Soc., 2000, 83, Al2O3/Fe functionally graded materials prepared by SHS/PHIP. 1885-1888 J. Mater. Sci. Techno. 2001. 17. 65-66. 18. Kaya, C, Kaya, F, Boccaccini, A. R and Chawla, K. 4. Zhao, C, Vandeperre, L, Basu, B. and Van Der Biest, O. rication and characterisation of Ni-coated carbon fibre nationally graded materials by El umina ceramic matrix composites using electrophoreti Brit Ceram. Trans. 2000.99 284-287 tion. Acta Mater. 2001. 49. 1189-1197 5. Oike, S. and Watanabe, Y, Development of in-situ AF-Al2Cu 19. Negishi, H, Sakai, N, Yamaji, K, Horita, T. and Yoke functionally graded materials by a centrufugal method. Int.J. H, Application of electrophoretic deposition technique Mater. Prod. Tec. 2001. 16. 40-49 oxide fuel cells. J. Electrochemical soc. 2000. 147. 1682-1687 6. Ishibashi, H, Tobimatsu, H, Matsumoto, T, Hayashi, K, Tom 20. Kaya, C, Butler, E. G, Boccaccini, A. R. and Lewis, M. H sia, A. P and Saiz. E, Characterization of Mo-Sio2 functionally graded materials. Metall. Mater. Trans. 2000. 31A. 299-306. reinforced mullite matrix composites from hydrothermally pro- 7. Daniel, M. P, Levin, L. and Frage, N, Graded ceramic pre. cessed mullite precursors In High Temperature Ceramic Matri orms: various processing approaches. Materials Chem Composites (HT-CMC 4), ed. w. KrenkeL, R. Naslain and Physics,2001,67,192-198. H Schneider. WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2001, pp 639- 8. Miyamoto, Y, Kaysser, w.A.Rabin, B. H, Kawasa 21. Anstis. G. R. Chantikul. P. Lawn. B. R. and Marshall. D d Applications, 1999 critical evaluation of indentation technique for measuring materials by electrochemical processing and infiltration: application Soc.1982,64,53-538 to tungsten/copper composites. J. Mater. Sci., 2000, 35, 477-486 Mendelson, I M., Average grain size in polycrystalline ceramics. 10. Koizumi, M, FGM activities in Japan. Compos. Part B. Eng J.Am. Ceran.Soc.1969,52,443446 23. Morgan, P. E. D. and Marshall, D. B, Ceramic I1. Mortensen, A. and Suresh, S, Functionally graded metals and monazite and alumina. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1995. 78. 1553-Acknowledgements Profs. P. Bowen and S. Blackburn are acknowledged for the provision of laboratory facilities in the School of Metallurgy and Materials and the IRC in materials pro￾cessing, respectively. Partial financial support by the Eur￾opean Commission under the contract number BRITE￾EURAM, BRPR-CT 97-0609 is also acknowledged. References 1. Lin, C. Y., McShane, H. B. and Rawlings, R. D., Extrusion process for manufacture of bulk functionally graded materials. Powder Metall., 1996, 39, 219–222. 2. Rawlings, R. D., Tailoring properties—functionally graded materials. Mater. World, 1995, 3, 474–475. 3. Zhang, W. F., Xi, N. S., Tao, C. H., Han, J. C. and Du, S. Y., Microstructure and resisting thermal shock behaviours of TiC– Al2O3/Fe functionally graded materials prepared by SHS/PHIP. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2001, 17, 65–66. 4. Zhao, C., Vandeperre, L., Basu, B. and Van Der Biest, O., Cylindirical Al2O3/TZP functionally graded materials by EPD. Brit. Ceram. Trans., 2000, 99, 284–287. 5. Oike, S. and Watanabe, Y., Development of in-situ Al–Al2Cu functionally graded materials by a centrufugal method. Int. J. Mater. Prod. Tec., 2001, 16, 40–49. 6. Ishibashi, H., Tobimatsu, H., Matsumoto, T., Hayashi, K., Tom￾sia, A. P. and Saiz, E., Characterization of Mo–SiO2 functionally graded materials. Metall. Mater. Trans., 2000, 31A, 299–306. 7. Daniel, M. P., Levin, L. and Frage, N., Graded ceramic pre￾forms: various processing approaches. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2001, 67, 192–198. 8. Miyamoto, Y., Kaysser, W. A., Rabin, B. H., Kawasaki, A. and Ford, R. G., Functionally Graded Materials: Design, Processing and Applications. , 1999. 9. Jedamzik, R., Neubrand, A. and Ro¨del, J., Functionally graded materials by electrochemical processing and infiltration: application to tungsten/copper composites. J. Mater. Sci., 2000, 35, 477–486. 10. Koizumi, M., FGM activities in Japan. Compos. Part B. Eng., 1997, 28, 1–4. 11. Mortensen, A. and Suresh, S., Functionally graded metals and metal-ceramic composites: part 1, processing. Int. Mater. Rew., 1995, 40, 239–265. 12. Kirihara, S., Tomota, Y. and Tsijimoto, T., Application of an intermetallic compound Ti5Si3 to functionally graded materials. Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 1997, 240, 600–604. 13. Sarkar, P., Datta, S. and Nicholson, P. S., Fuctionally graded ceramic/ceramic and metal/ceramic composites by electrophoretic deposition. Comp. Part B—Eng., 1997, 28, 49–56. 14. Moritz, K., Thauer, R. and Muller, E., Electrophoretic deposi￾tion of nano-scaled zirconia powders prepared by laser evapora￾tion. CFI, 2000, 77, E8. 15. Kaya, C. Processing and Properties of Alumina Fibre-reinforced Mullite Ceramic Matrix Composites. PhD Thesis, The University of Birmingham, UK, June 1999. 16. Harbach, F. and Nienburg, H., Homogeneous functional ceramic composnents through electrophoretic deposition from stable col￾loidal suspensions—II. Beta-alumina and concepts for industrial production. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 1998, 18, 685–692. 17. Kaya, C., Boccaccini, A. R. and Chawla, K. K., Electrophoretic deposition forming of nickel-coated-carbon-fibre-reinforced bor￾osilicate-glass-matrix composites. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2000, 83, 1885–1888. 18. Kaya, C., Kaya, F., Boccaccini, A. R. and Chawla, K. K., Fab￾rication and characterisation of Ni-coated carbon fibre-reinforced alumina ceramic matrix composites using electrophoretic deposi￾tion. Acta Mater., 2001, 49, 1189–1197. 19. Negishi, H., Sakai, N., Yamaji, K., Horita, T. and Yokokawa, H., Application of electrophoretic deposition technique to solid oxide fuel cells. J. Electrochemical Soc., 2000, 147, 1682–1687. 20. Kaya, C., Butler, E. G., Boccaccini, A. R. and Lewis, M. H., Processing and characterisation of mullite (NextelTM 720) fibre￾reinforced mullite matrix composites from hydrothermally pro￾cessed mullite precursors. In High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC 4), ed. W. Krenkel, R. Naslain and H. Schneider. WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2001, pp. 639– 644. 21. Anstis, G. R., Chantikul, P., Lawn, B. R. and Marshall, D. B., A critical evaluation of indentation technique for measuring frac￾ture toughness. I—direct crack measurement. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1982, 64, 533–538. 22. Mendelson, I. M., Average grain size in polycrystalline ceramics. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1969, 52, 443–446. 23. Morgan, P. E. D. and Marshall, D. B., Ceramic composites of monozite and alumina. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 1995, 78, 1553–1563. 1660 C. Kaya / Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (2003) 1655–1660
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