28.Award 5 points for ANY TWO of the following: He is isolated in his musty office. Winesburg had forgotten the old man. He tends to a dying medical practice alone. He unburdens his thoughts on scraps of paper. He suffers from the tragedy of his young wife's death who offered him a chance to open up,to share himself with others. 29.Any ideas similar to the following. The twisted apples are misshapen but sweeter than the most perfect ones.They serve as a symbol of the Doctor in the story:his facial and body features are ugly,but there is sweetness in his character:he is not handsome or stylish but he is deeply sweet inside.This symbol plays an important role in giving the novel an extended dimension.In the novel as the unwanted "twisted apples"are left on the tree to rotten,so is Doctor Reefy left to waste away.The writer shows deep sympathy respect to people who are "twisted apples"in scciety. Part I Writing [20 Points] 30.写作评分参考标准 作文满分为20分,分为内容(满分为8分),语言(满分为10分)和书写(满分为2分)三部 分,三部分分值相加即为作文的总分。各部分参考评分项目如下: 部分 评分项目 分值 内容 内容充实、切题,篇幅适当。 8分 语言 语言得体、行文流畅、句子结构有变化、常用语法结构无错误。 10分 书写 拼写及标点符号使用正确,书写整洁,易于认读。 2分 27628. Award 5 points for ANY TWO of the following: e He is ísolated ín his musty office. Winesburg had forgotten the old man. He tends to a dying medical practice alone. 告~ He unburdens his thoughts on scraps of paper. He suffers from the tragedy of his young wife' s death who offered him a chance to open up , to share himself with others. 29. Any ideas similar to the following. The twísted apples are misshapen bllt sweeter than the most perfect ones. They serve as symbol of the Doctor ín the story: his facial and body features are ugly , but there is sweetness in his character: he is not handsome or stylish but he is deeply sweet ínside. This ,;ymbol plays an ímportant role in glvmg the novel an extended dimension. In the novel as the llnwanted "twisted apples" are left on the tree to rotten , so is Doctor Reefy left to waste away. The wríter shows deep sympathy / respect to people who are "twísted apples" in SCclety. Part III Writing [20 POints] 30. 写作评分参考标准 作文满分为 20 分,分为内容(满分为 分) ,语言(满分为 10 分)和书写(满分为 分)三部 分,三部分分值相加即为作文的总分。各部分参考评分项目如下: 部分 评分项目 分值 内容 内容充实、切题,篇幅适当。 吾吾 语言得体、行文流畅、句子结构有变化、常用语法结构元错误。 10 书写 拼写及标点符号使用正确,书写整洁,易于认读。 276
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