Read the third part and answer the questions. keep calm and quiet 35 Twenty-five minutes later,Angela just had to answer six more questions to 1.Why was Denise so excited that she could hardly keep still? beat the other contestants and to win the prize. Because Angela just had to answer six more questions to Denise was so excited that she could beat the other contestants and to win the prize. hardly keep still.Though the questions were getting more and more difficult Because the questions were getting more and more Angela kept getting them right difficult,Angela had to keep getting them right. Soon there was just a single question between Angela and victory. 45"And finally,where's Big Ben?"asked Lester Because she was Angela's friend,she hoped that Angela could win the quiz. "In England,"replied Angela. "Correct!"shouted Lester."You're Task 3 tonight's lucky winner.You've won 50 tonight's prize-a trip for two to the ovely city of Paris!"1. Why was Denise so excited that she could hardly keep still? • Because Angela just had to answer six more questions to beat the other contestants and to win the prize. • Because the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela had to keep getting them right. • Because she was Angela’s friend, she hoped that Angela could win the quiz. • … Task 3 R e a d t h e t h i r d p a r t a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s . keep calm and quiet
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