Most Natural Language Processing applications... Question Context Answer What is a major importance ...Southern California is a major major economic of Southern California in relation economic center for the state center to California and the US? of California and the US.... What is the translation Most of the planet is Der GroSteil der from English to German? ocean water. Erde ist Meerwasser Question What is the Harry Potter star Daniel Harry Potter star Answering summary? Radcliffe gains access to a Daniel Radcliffe gets reported 320 million fortune... E320M fortune. (QA) Hypothesis:Product and geography Premise:Conceptually cream are what make cream skimming skimming has two basic Entailment work.Entailment,neutral, dimensions-product and geography. or contradiction? A stirring,funny and finally Is this sentence transporting re-imagining of positive positive or negative? Beauty and the Beast and (sentiment analysis) 1930s horror film. decaNLP QA can be done by seq2seq question,context Seq2seq answer https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08730 https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.03329Most Natural Language Processing applications … QA can be done by seq2seq question, context Seq2seq answer https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08730 https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.03329 Question Answering (QA) (sentiment analysis) 8
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