·Digital Citizenship .Technology Operations and Concepts Many of these standards address the essential elements for cess in acquiring 21st century knowledge and skills.As a teacher you will be expected to enhance students'abilities to engage in the use of technology to support their learning and address these six areas of competency,also known as technology literacy skills.In addition you are expected to enhance learning by engaging students in the 21st century skills of critical think- ing,collaboration,communication,and creativity and innova tion.What you can note in looking at the two lists of skills to emphasize is that they are very similar and are not something to be considered as"add ons,"but rather they can be integrated Information can be leamed from materials beyond the classroom. into the learning experiences you arrange for your students. You should combine knowledge and skills related to content areas and information lit- eracy skills by using technology in ways that help students leamn information and communicate knowledge.For example,in a science lesson on weather,you can present a problem to your students that will require them to search websites for data or information,use communication tools to collaborate with outside experts.generate solutions to the problem collaborativelv and present their ideas to classmates using creative resources.By approaching your instruc- tion in that manner,you have addressed many of the standards by which your students will be measured and will have given them guided practice in developing their knowledge and skills. Principles of Effective Media Utilization Learning from multiple sources of media provides us with information and challenges our think- ing.As users of these sources we need media literacy skills to know how to access them,how to understand and analyze the content and how to create new media messages (Stansbury 2009) Text television video and a host of other media sources covered within this texthook are all valid and vital sources of information.Your role is to guide your students to use these media in the newspaper.They need to leam to be critical users of these resources to ensure that they well inf and their conclusions accurate As mentioned earlier,the NETS-S and 21st centur of the abilities learners peed to be suc s of the rtunities to explore 。 use th ur teach ng approach should provide their knowledge.La in this e their st tuden ts to use a variety of media t express thei Principles of Effective Learning Assessment The method of assessing achievement depends on the nature of the objective.Some learnin objectives call for relat cognitiv e skills-for exa le.stating Ohm's la distinguich zing the e principles of the Dec Leaming objectives such as these lend themselves to more traditional written tests Source:Reprinted with permi ssion from Na hers and Society for Technolo in Edu n.)All rights reserved Designing and Assessing 21st Century Leaming 29 Designing and Assessing 21st Century Learning 29 • Digital Citizenship • Technology Operations and Concepts* Many of these standards address the essential elements for success in acquiring 21st century knowledge and skills. As a teacher you will be expected to enhance students’ abilities to engage in the use of technology to support their learning and address these six areas of competency, also known as technology literacy skills. In addition you are expected to enhance learning by engaging students in the 21st century skills of critical think￾ing, collaboration, communication, and creativity and innova￾tion. What you can note in looking at the two lists of skills to emphasize is that they are very similar and are not something to be considered as “add ons,” but rather they can be integrated into the learning experiences you arrange for your students. You should combine knowledge and skills related to content areas and information lit￾eracy skills by using technology in ways that help students learn information and communicate knowledge. For example, in a science lesson on weather, you can present a problem to your students that will require them to search websites for data or information, use communication tools to collaborate with outside experts, generate solutions to the problem collaboratively, and present their ideas to classmates using creative resources. By approaching your instruc￾tion in that manner, you have addressed many of the standards by which your students will be measured and will have given them guided practice in developing their knowledge and skills. Principles of Effective Media Utilization Learning from multiple sources of media provides us with information and challenges our think￾ing. As users of these sources we need media literacy skills to know how to access them, how to understand and analyze the content, and how to create new media messages (Stansbury, 2009). Text, television, video, and a host of other media sources covered within this textbook are all valid and vital sources of information. Your role is to guide your students to use these media as sources for their learning in ways that are wise, safe, and productive. For example, students need to learn to find multiple sources to verify facts they may have heard on the news or read in the newspaper. They need to learn to be critical users of these resources to ensure that they are well informed and their conclusions are accurate. As mentioned earlier, the NETS-S and 21st century skills address many of the abilities learners need to be successful consumers of the media resources surrounding them. Furthermore, your teaching approach should provide students with opportunities to explore how to use these media resources to communicate their knowledge. Later in this textbook you will see examples of how teachers guide their students to use a variety of media to express their knowledge and skills. Principles of Effective Learning Assessment The method of assessing achievement depends on the nature of the objective. Some learning objectives call for relatively simple cognitive skills—for example, stating Ohm’s Law, distinguish￾ing adjectives from adverbs, or summarizing the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Learning objectives such as these lend themselves to more traditional written tests. Information can be learned from materials beyond the classroom. * Source: Reprinted with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers and National Educational Technology Standards for Students. Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 by ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education.) All rights reserved. M02_SMAL4150_01_SE_C02.indd 29 2/7/14 8:37 AM
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