the provider's income). Besides the Engli sh scenario of auctioning, Dutch and Vickrey also exist as additional scenarios of auctioning Clearing involves several users, several providers, and one broker. Users and providers submit their respective requests to the broker in terms of needs to sat isfy for the users and services to offer for the providers. The role of the broker is to match needs to services. If there is a successful match, the broker notifies both users and providers about the match. As soon as they are informed, users and providers start interacting together, bypassing the broker. E-Commerce The Internet and Web technologies have tremendously changed the way of doing business in general, and commerce in particular. Users have more opportunities to b informed about the current trend of the market before making any decision. Users are continuously browsing the Internet as well as being overwhelmed with information from different online sources(for example, money. cnn. com/). In addition, there is no longer any need to go to a library to purchase ones favorite sports magazine. Several Web sites exist that allow users to submit online orders. This way of doing business constitutes a part of what is commonly known as e-commerce). Web shopping is only a small part of the whole e-commerce picture that covers several types of businesses that range from customer-based retail sites like Amazon. com(business-to-consumer) to auction and music sites like eBay, and to business exchanges trading goods/services between corporations(business-to-business). E-commerce is seen as a general term f any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of infor mation across the Internet . I the -commerce puts new demands not only on support and delivery IT, but also on way business processes have to be designed, deployed, and maintained. Several people in different locations and with different hardware and software resources may simultaneously initiate purchase requests for the same product but with different selection criteria. Reliability, efficiency, scalability, and fault-tolerance are among the features that should be embedded in e-commerce processes. To assess the value-added of these processes, it is crucial to be aware of their type Processes that help potentia customers,whether individuals or businesses, in locating the goods/ services they need are essential. At the same time, processes that allow suppliers to make customers aware of their products are also important. At the present time, Web sites are full of advertising banners that enable users to enter and visit provider sites with one click (for example, shopping. netscape. com/main. adp E-commerce as part of the whole e-business evolution has been the object of major changes [3]. First, businesses started the digitalization of their data to make it available online. This data included the business's profile and catalogues. Initially businesses did not attempt to adapt their business processes(that is, the know-how) Later, businesses decided to undertake the reengineering of their processes due to the pressure to remain competitive. The traditional way of satisfying users' needs could no longer cope with the challenges presented by the new context with its complex fea- tures: profitability, competition, alliances, and market volatility. Adjusting the busi- nesss know-how to the context, therefore, became critical. The third stage consisted E-commerce FAQ: ecommerce. about. com/library/weekly/aa21502a hrm? PM=ssl 1_ccommerce (visited July 2002). 252 December 2003/oL.46. No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACMthe provider’s income). Besides the English scenario of auctioning, Dutch and Vickrey also exist as additional scenarios of auctioning. • Clearing involves several users, several providers, and one broker. Users and providers submit their respective requests to the broker in terms of needs to sat￾isfy for the users and services to offer for the providers. The role of the broker is to match needs to services. If there is a successful match, the broker notifies both users and providers about the match. As soon as they are informed, users and providers start interacting together, bypassing the broker. E-Commerce The Internet and Web technologies have tremendously changed the way of doing business in general, and commerce in particular. Users have more opportunities to be informed about the current trend of the market before making any decision. Users are continuously browsing the Internet as well as being overwhelmed with information from different online sources (for example, money.cnn.com/). In addition, there is no longer any need to go to a library to purchase one’s favorite sports magazine. Several Web sites exist that allow users to submit online orders. This way of doing business constitutes a part of what is commonly known as e-commerce). Web shopping is only a small part of the whole e-commerce picture that covers several types of businesses that range from customer-based retail sites like Amazon.com (business-to-consumer), to auction and music sites like eBay, and to business exchanges trading goods/services between corporations (business-to-business). E-commerce is seen as a general term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of infor￾mation across the Internet.1 E-commerce puts new demands not only on support and delivery IT, but also on the way business processes have to be designed, deployed, and maintained. Several people in different locations and with different hardware and software resources may simultaneously initiate purchase requests for the same product but with different selection criteria. Reliability, efficiency, scalability, and fault-tolerance are among the features that should be embedded in e-commerce processes. To assess the value-added of these processes, it is crucial to be aware of their type. Processes that help potential customers, whether individuals or businesses, in locating the goods/services they need are essential. At the same time, processes that allow suppliers to make customers aware of their products are also important. At the present time, Web sites are full of advertising banners that enable users to enter and visit provider sites with one click (for example, shopping.netscape.com/main.adp). E-commerce as part of the whole e-business evolution has been the object of major changes [3]. First, businesses started the digitalization of their data to make it available online. This data included the business’s profile and catalogues. Initially, businesses did not attempt to adapt their business processes (that is, the know-how). Later, businesses decided to undertake the reengineering of their processes due to the pressure to remain competitive. The traditional way of satisfying users’ needs could no longer cope with the challenges presented by the new context with its complex fea￾tures: profitability, competition, alliances, and market volatility. Adjusting the busi￾ness’s know-how to the context, therefore, became critical. The third stage consisted 252 December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 1 E-commerce FAQ; ecommerce.about.com/library/weekly/aa21502a.htm?PM=ss11_ecommerce (visited July 2002)
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