Journal of the American Ceramic Society-King et al ol.83.No.9 40- WDS Linescan across Stabilized-Celslan Fluorokinoshitalite interface Conditions: 1300C, 18.5 h, argon Original a 010203040.5060708090100110 Distance(u JKt Stabilized-Celsian Fluorokinoshitalit 20" WDS Linescan across (b) Stabilized-Celsian Fluorokinoshitallte Interface Conditions: 1300C. 18. 5 h, argon ☆F 夂ⅹ TmT 60708090100110 Distance(um Stabilized-Celsia Fluorokinoshitalite WDS linescans ac terface processed at 1300oC In Fig. 3(a), th feldspaison to that for Ba2+; the exchan nica. In Fig 3(b), the strontium profile suggests that the diffusion of Sr+ is extremel is not a significant energy-dissipative process in establishing equilibrium across the Ag and F species are evidenced as sentially immobileFig. 3. WDS linescans across a stabilized celsian/fluorokinoshitalite interface processed at 1300°C. In Fig. 3(a), the interdiffusing species are K1 and Si41 from the feldspar, in exchange for Ba21 and Al31 from the fluoromica. In Fig. 3(b), the strontium profile suggests that the diffusion of Sr21 is extremely slow, in comparison to that for Ba21; the exchange of Sr21 for Ba21 is not a significant energy-dissipative process in establishing equilibrium across the interface. Mg21 and F2 species are evidenced as being essentially immobile. 2292 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—King et al. Vol. 83, No. 9
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