(供电测、环境、电气、继保01102班使用)共6页第4页 班级 姓名 学号 分数 with the real world. What the viewer receives from television dramas is nothing but fictional events, persons, objects and places. As the viewer has grown addicted (E a)to television, he often ignores the necessary and important things in reality. As a result, he would be completely cut off from the real world Clearly, television is to be blamed for the effects of passivity and its action it brought to the heavy viewers Therefore, watching TV should be strictly confined to selection 1. This essay is mainly about 2. The good effects of TV 3. The bad effects of TV(A) 4. The bad effects of TV(B) 5. Solution to the problem IⅤ. Translation:(7题B班不做) Being on My own, talking with friendly people and having fridays off--- these are just some things I like about college It is obvious that people supply money to a company because they think it will make profits 3. The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American 4. The brain is the most complicated part of the human body, and yet less is known about it than any other part 5. Once the signs are posted throughout the world a knife and fork will mean a restaurant, a suitcase will indicate baggage and etc 6. If you wish to take part in the worthwhile activity, what sort of things would you do? Think of the people most in need of help and the ways in which help can be given. Most of the commun ity serv ice is concerned with the care of the elderly and the handicapped 7. In the early 19th century, the Americans made use of the natural rubber for the first time. First they made overshoes to keep their feet dry. Then, they made coats of cloth covered with natural rubber V. writing 写一信封给 WANG LING,地址是中国重庆中华路51号,邮编为400001。寄信人地址为你本人在学校 的信箱地址。 2.写一张留言条告诉ANNA,JOHN打电话来说他将于星期天晚上7:00钟来ANNA家看世界杯足球赛( World Cup),叫她在家等着别出去了 2002/2003学年度下学期英语考试试卷B卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保01110112班使用)共6页第5页(供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112 班使用)共 6 页第 4 页 班级_______________姓名_______________学号_______________分数_______________ with the real world. What the viewer receives from television dramas is nothing but fictional events, persons, objects and places. As the viewer has grown addicted(有瘾的) to television, he often ignores the necessary and important things in reality. As a result, he would be completely cut off from the real world. Clearly, television is to be blamed for the effects of passivity and its action it brought to the heavy viewers. Therefore, watching TV should be strictly confined to selection. 1. This essay is mainly about_____________________________. 2. The good effects of TV:_______________________________. 3. The bad effects of TV(A):_____________________________. 4. The bad effects of TV(B):_____________________________. 5. Solution to the problem :______________________________. IV.Translation:(7 题 B 班不做) 1. Being on My own, talking with friendly people and having Fridays off---- these are just some things I like about college. 2. It is obvious that people supply money to a company because they think it will make profits. 3. The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American. 4. The brain is the most complicated part of the human body, and yet less is known about it than any other part. 5. Once the signs are posted throughout the world, a knife and fork will mean a restaurant, a suitcase will indicate baggage, and etc. 6. If you wish to take part in the worthwhile activity, what sort of things would you do? Think of the people most in need of help and the ways in which help can be given. Most of the community service is concerned with the care of the elderly and the handicapped. 7. In the early 19th century, the Americans made use of the natural rubber for the first time. First they made overshoes to keep their feet dry. Then, they made coats of cloth covered with natural rubber. V. Writing: 1.写一信封给 WANG LING,地址是中国重庆中华路 51 号,邮编为 400001。寄信人地址为你本人在学校 的信箱地址。 2.写一张留言条告诉ANNA,JOHN打电话来说他将于星期天晚上7:00钟来ANNA家看世界杯足球赛(World Cup), 叫她在家等着别出去了。 2002/2003 学年度下学期英语考试试卷 B 卷 (供电测、环境、电气、继保-0111\0112 班使用)共 6 页第 5 页