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Damage tolerant. translucent oxide fiber/ ing and N-SK 4 matrix glass presents a bending strength glass matrix-composites. In: David Hui, Proceedings. ICCE-1 of 360 MPa and a fracture strain of 3. 5%. It is white. but will break like a brittle material after strain [11] Dietrich D, Stockel S, Marx G. XPS-investigation nitride fibre coatings prepared by chemical vapor deposition in References comparison to their hydrolytic rate. Fresenius J Anal Chem 1998 653-5. [12] Dietrich D, Stockel S, Weise K, Nestler K, Marx G. Characterization [1 Klug T, Reichert J, Bruckner R nock behaviour of sic. ibre reinforced glasses. Glastechn of boron nitride fibre coatings with different crystalline order by 5(1):41-9 TEM and XPS. Fresenius J Anal Chem 1999: 255-7 [2 Boccaccini AR, West G, Janczak MH, Kern H. Tensile [13] Leutbecher T. Beitrag zur Entwicklung von oxidfaserverstarkten behaviour and cyclic creep matrix of continuous fiber reinforced glass Glasern. Doctor-thesis. TU Ilmenau 2000. 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