8. to do sth 10. in the expectation that ll, to go throug 12. to have a negative effect on 13. be supportive of 14 to harbor reservations about 15. to see sb. at his worst 16 to feel sth. deeply about sb 17. to approach sth. with a(n) 1 8. to sus Explanations and examples: 1. ups and downs(L2)盛衰;浮沉 Full of ups and downs as life is, my consistent reaction to it is to delete yesterdays trouble input today's confidence, and set tomorrow's goal 人生虽然充满着变数,而我不变的应对策略是删除昨天的烦恼、输入今天的信心、设置 明天的目标 He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relation between the two countries 他经历了两国关系史上的圆缺阴晴 2 to confront the weaknesses and strengths(L.3)面对弱点和长处 Confronting each others weaknesses, a couple should learn how to be tolerant; and, in response to each others strengths, both should also learn how to be appreciative 面对彼此的弱点,夫妻要学会宽容;看到彼此的长处也要学会欣赏。 活学活用 It's important to for us to confront our own weaknesses and strengths bravely 3. to enhance our relationship(L.5)增强了我们的关系 Far from preventing their everyday contacts, the cultural differences enhanced their feeling of love for each other 文化差异非但不妨碍他们的日常交往,反而增进了彼此间的爱慕之情 4. to be open with each other(L.6)开诚布公 Faced with the differences of opinions, we should be open with each other rather than feel doubtful about one another 面对意见分歧,我们要开诚布公,而不是相互猜疑 5. to have no illusions about(L 9)Xf 不抱幻想 Confronted with strong resistance from all sides, she still harbored sweet illusions about this arriage, which confirms the saying Love makes one too blind to be wise 尽管遭到来自各方面的强烈反对,她对这桩婚事仍抱有甜蜜的幻想,这正应了“爱令 智昏”的说法 6. to hold.. for sb.(L.9)对于某人意味着8. to overook 9. to take the time to do sth. 10. in the expectation that 11, to go through 12, to have a negative effect on 13. be supportive of 14. to harbor reservations about 15. to see sb. at his worst 16. to feel sth. deeply about sb. 17. to approach sth. with a(n) ... attitude 18. to suspect 19. to resolve all the doubt 20. to be never too…to... Explanations and examples: 1. ups and downs (L. 2) 盛衰;浮沉 Full of ups and downs as life is, my consistent reaction to it is to delete yesterday’s trouble, input today’s confidence, and set tomorrow’s goal. 人生虽然充满着变数,而我不变的应对策略是删除昨天的烦恼、输入今天的信心、设置 明天的目标。 He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relation between the two countries. 他经历了两国关系史上的圆缺阴晴。 2. to confront the weaknesses and strengths (L. 3) 面对弱点和长处 Confronting each other’s weaknesses, a couple should learn how to be tolerant; and, in response to each other’s strengths, both should also learn how to be appreciative. 面对彼此的弱点, 夫妻要学会宽容; 看到彼此的长处也要学会欣赏。 活学活用 It’s important to for us to confront our own weaknesses and strengths bravely. 3. to enhance our relationship (L. 5) 增强了我们的关系 Far from preventing their everyday contacts, the cultural differences enhanced their feeling of love for each other. 文化差异非但不妨碍他们的日常交往,反而增进了彼此间的爱慕之情。 4. to be open with each other (L. 6) 开诚布公 Faced with the differences of opinions, we should be open with each other rather than feel doubtful about one another. 面对意见分歧,我们要开诚布公,而不是相互猜疑。 5. to have no illusions about (L. 9) 对······不抱幻想 Confronted with strong resistance from all sides, she still harbored sweet illusions about this marriage, which confirms the saying “Love makes one too blind to be wise”. 尽管遭到来自各方面的强烈反对,她对这桩婚事仍抱有甜蜜的幻想,这正应了“爱令 智昏”的说法。 6. to hold … for sb. (L. 9) 对于某人意味着 ······
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