Sioux languages,as well as by the Flatheads.Blackfeet.Crowns and some other Indian tribes The other major concenration of Plain indians hereinye theecd Five Civiliz Tribes pu e ury no. rn Kansas,and 20 Rut ther the (1)Warfare was important for the Kiowas more because of their militant tendency than because of their need for survival.The Kiowas often fought just because they were good warriors,because th hcoetoutoh abit,cn (2)Pr (3)Disposition:a particular type of character which makes someone more likely to behave or react in a certain way:temperament;an inclination,tendency the no or preva ng 用A f dis po: 由于习惯,出于本性 the relentlessly ce;cruel,savage re without ade ng to ield inflexibl ally food but their lives (1)store:When used in the plural form,the word means supplies,especially food,clothing,arms, ing ared.ten years. ()Lckly,my grandmoerrethc for holding anima owas were num iliated of put into a ani or ten years after the even (2)Spare:to save or free a person from sth. ()Those high gray walls:walls of the stone corral but she must ha .old warriors what had from her par feat and (2)To brood:to keep thinking about something in a distressed or troubled way.The Kiowas kept thinking becaus they were ur ble to forget the past wrong done to them,because the Para deep for them to forge 35.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4? migrated from western Montana and how the migratior was ke paragraph art uses e author's grandmoth s story as a09 and“he The use of word ike belonged the last culture to evolve in north america Before the they acq ed ifer The Indians of the Great Plains inhabited two major sub-regions. The northern Plains, from Dakota and Montana southward to Nebraska, were dominated by several large tribes who spoke Sioux languages, as well as by the Flatheads, Blackfeet, Crowns and some other Indian tribes. The other major concentration of Plains Indians was in the central and southern Plains. The so-called Five Civilized Tribes pursued an agricultural life there. In western Kansas lived the pawnees. Surrounding these were the truly nomadic tribes of western Kansas, and so on. 29. But warfare for the Kiowas . rather than of survival. (1) Warfare was important for the Kiowas more because of their militant tendency than because of their need for survival. The Kiowas often fought just because they were good warriors, because they fought out of habit, character, nature, not because they needed extra lands or material gains for the sake of surviving and thriving. (2) Preeminently: much more important (3) Disposition: a particular type of character which makes someone more likely to behave or react in a certain way : temperament; an inclination, tendency. The word disposition is used to refer to the normal or prevailing aspectoof one’s nature. Examples: He had a cheerful disposition. He had a disposition to quarrel. (4) A matter of disposition:由于习惯,出于本性 30. .they never understood. (1) the Kiowas didn’t know why the U.S. Cavalry kept advancing toward them so cruelly and relentlessly. (2) Grim: fierce; cruel, savage (3) Unrelenting: relentless, refusing to yield; inflexible. 31. ill-provisioned: without adequate supplies, especially food 32.In Palo Duro Canyon they abandoned .but their lives. (1) store: When used in the plural form, the word means supplies, especially food, clothing, arms, etc. (2) pillage: the act of plundering (3) but their lives: except their lives 33. My grandmother was spared.ten years. (1) Luckily, my grandmother did not suffer the humiliation of being put into a closure for holding animals, for she was born eight or ten years after the event. The Kiowas were humiliated of being put into a closure for holding animals, for she was born eight or ten years after the event. The Kiowas were humiliated because they were treated like animals. (2) Spare: to save or free a person from sth. (3) Those high gray walls: walls of the stone corral 34. .but she must have known.old warriors. (1) from her early childhood, she must have heard what had happened from her parents and grandparents. Therefore she must have known the great pain and distress brought by defeat, and she must have seen how they had kept thinking about their defeat in a gloomy and hopeless way. (2) To brood: to keep thinking about something in a distressed or troubled way. The Kiowas kept thinking because they were unable to forget the past wrong done to them, because the humiliation was too deep for them to forget. Para.4 35. What is the main idea of Paragraph 4? This paragraph is about how the Kiowas migrated from western Montana and how the migration transformed the Kiowas. Like paragraph 3, this part uses the author’s grandmother’s story as a focal point, but quickly moves on to the story of the Kiowa people. The use of words like “she belonged to the last culture” and “ her forebears” smoothes the transition. 36. . the last culture to evolve in North America. Before the arrival of the Europeans, there had been numerous Native Indian cultures that had existed for a long, long time in North America. After the Kiowas’s migration to the Great Plains from Montana three centuries ago, they acquired horsed and the Sun Dance culture. They changed
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