®上泽文玉大¥ ( b (⊙ (d) Example:Membrane-filtered samples grown on a variety of media. a)Standard nutrient media for a total bacterial count. b)Fecal coliform medium for detecting fecal coliforms that form blue colonies. )m-Endo agar for detecting E.coli and other coliforms that produce colonies with a green sheen. d)Wort agar for the culture of yeasts and molds. Nb.19 Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityNo.19 Shanghai Jiao Tong University a) Standard nutrient media for a total bacterial count. b) Fecal coliform medium for detecting fecal coliforms that form blue colonies. c) m-Endo agar for detecting E.coli and other coliforms that produce colonies with a green sheen. d) Wort agar for the culture of yeasts and molds. Example:Membrane-filtered samples grown on a variety of media