(3)GUI Containers (④Labels (5)Nested Panels 2.基本概念和知识点 (1)Containers are special GUI components that hold and organize other components. (2)A frame is displayed as a separate window,but a panel can be displayed only as part of another container. (3)Every container is managed by a layout manager. (4)Panels can be nested to create an intricate containment hierarchy of components. (5)A label can contain text,an image,or both. 3.问题与应用(能力要求) 完成一个嵌套Panel,.带Label的用户界面程序。 (三)思考与实践 理解用户界面的构造思路。 (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主 第四章Writing Classes (一)目的与要求 1.Discuss the structure and content of a class definition. 2.Establish the concept of object state using instance data. 3.Describe the effect of visibility modifiers on methods and data. 4.Explore the structure of a method definition,including parameters and return values. 5.Discuss the structure and purpose of a constructor. 6.Explore the creation of graphical obiects. 7.Introduce the concepts needed to create an interactive graphical user interface. 8.Explore some basic GUI components and events (二)教学内容 第一节Classes and0 bjects 1.主要内容 (1)The relationship between an object and a class 10 10 (3) GUI Containers (4) Labels (5) Nested Panels 2.基本概念和知识点 (1) Containers are special GUI components that hold and organize other components. (2) A frame is displayed as a separate window, but a panel can be displayed only as part of another container. (3) Every container is managed by a layout manager. (4) Panels can be nested to create an intricate containment hierarchy of components. (5) A label can contain text, an image, or both. 3.问题与应用(能力要求) 完成一个嵌套 Panel,带 Label 的用户界面程序。 (三)思考与实践 理解用户界面的构造思路。 (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授为主 第四章 Writing Classes (一)目的与要求 1.Discuss the structure and content of a class definition. 2.Establish the concept of object state using instance data. 3.Describe the effect of visibility modifiers on methods and data. 4.Explore the structure of a method definition, including parameters and return values. 5.Discuss the structure and purpose of a constructor. 6.Explore the creation of graphical objects. 7.Introduce the concepts needed to create an interactive graphical user interface. 8.Explore some basic GUI components and events. (二)教学内容 第一节 Classes and Objects 1.主要内容 (1) The relationship between an object and a class
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