38 pesticides barred near salmon waters Federal judge's ruling baryl,diazinon.diuron.malathion.tri. clopyr BEE and trifluralin. affects nearly all tributaries These buffer aones are to remain until Heather Hansen.cccuthe in Mid-Columbia region the Environmental Protection Agency and ause he catlict indicated he the National Marine Fisheries Service way,said Patti Goldman.a. based in Olympla. review and establish permanent restric. By John Stang tions on pesticide uses near streams con. Earthjustice repthe Wshington Harald atalf writer Toics Coalition.the Northwest Coalit (d for Alternatives to Pesticides,the Pacific TC-Herald A federal judge ruled Thursday that 38 Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associa. pesticides cannot be used within specific Consequently,the ruling affects rivers and crecks branching off the Columbia ions and the Institute for Fsheries uit fled against the January 2004 River in Washington and Oregon- including the Mid-Columbia. EPA to seek the rest etions noted in tea蓝y Thursdav's order. How Did We Get In This Mess? River buffers worry farmers Regulations to help agriculture are concerned the new gered specles,the judge said he ar will brin fish restrict how pests ulations they believe might devas e their crop p yould be 60 feet for are killed near rivers the U.S.District By Anna King Herald staf writer econ Agency had not consuled TC-Herald 54 pest Melvin Melnturf's cherry farm with other federal agencies as December 2003How Did We Get In This Mess? TC-Herald January 2004 TC-Herald December 2003
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