Harriet fancies herselfheartbroken.Emma now tries to convince Harriet that Mr.Elton is beneath her after all. 10 Mr.Elton,as Emma's misconceptions ofhis character melt away,reveals himselfto be more and more arrogant and pompous.He soon returns from Bath with another newcomer,a vulgar but rich wife who becomes part ofEmma's social circle. though the two women soon loathe each other.The Eltons treat the still lovestruck Harriet deplorably,culminating with Mr Elton very publicly snubbing Harriet at a dance.Mr Knightley who had until this moment refrained from dancing,gallantly steps in to "save"Harriet,much to Emma's gratification. An interesting development is the arrival in the neighbourhood of Frank Churchill,Mr.Weston's son who had been given to his deceased wife's relatives to bringup.Frank is now Mrs. Weston's stepson;Emmahas never met him,but she has a long-standing interest in doing so. A third new character is the orphaned Jane Fairfax,the reserved but beautiful and elegant niece of Emma's impoverished neighbour,the talkative Miss Bates who lives with her deaf,widowed mother.Miss Bates is an aging Harriet fancies herself heartbroken. Emma now tries to convince Harriet that Mr. Elton is beneath her after all. Mr. Elton, as Emma's misconceptions of his character melt away, reveals himself to be more and more arrogant and pompous. He soon returns from Bath with another newcomer, a vulgar but rich wife who becomes part of Emma's social circle, though the two women soon loathe each other. The Eltons treat the still lovestruck Harriet deplorably, culminating with Mr Elton very publicly snubbing Harriet at a dance. Mr Knightley, who had until this moment refrained from dancing, gallantly steps in to "save" Harriet, much to Emma's gratification. An interesting development is the arrival in the neighbourhood of Frank Churchill, Mr. Weston's son who had been given to his deceased wife's relatives to bring up. Frank is now Mrs. Weston's stepson; Emma has never met him, but she has a long-standing interest in doing so. A third new character is the orphaned Jane Fairfax, the reserved but beautiful and elegant niece of Emma's impoverished neighbour, the talkative Miss Bates who lives with her deaf, widowed mother. Miss Bates is an aging 10’
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