Types of Threats and Attacks technical attack An attack perpetrated using software and systems knowledge or expertise common(security) vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) Publicly known computer security risks, which are collected, listed, and shared by a board of security related organizations (cve.mitre. org) National Infrastructure Protection Center(NIPC) A joint partnership under the auspices of the FBl between governmental and private industry; designed to prevent and protect the nations infrastructure Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall 2006Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 14 Types of Threats and Attacks technical attack An attack perpetrated using software and systems knowledge or expertise common (security) vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) Publicly known computer security risks, which are collected, listed, and shared by a board of security￾related organizations (cve.mitre.org) National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) A joint partnership under the auspices of the FBI between governmental and private industry; designed to prevent and protect the nation’s infrastructure
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