1082 GAL torted their accounts of his work to protect his hagio 12.0 of Louis Pasteur.Princeton:Prine I to protect his image,and for inter regardess of the reasons for steur.Paris:Libra for the continuing ac yr after the of May 22nd 1848 er the ous date date of nt of his dise ry of molecular chiral- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ie Blograply.Vol x New Yorl Cheurles seriboer's son D on History of Chemistry.New York WW Nor Scien re in Inf for ation 192.p31 Noch railroad ork in 1850 ea iway Hist de Past 22 iel and professor goulven guilcher from the ang greatly appreciate 4. LITERATURE CITED 25 -B.In scientifique.Paris tiques appe es ro adot I 29. 6 2X027.36. ng the Molecule.Phoenix Mill Sutton Publish bquides a la 7.0 32 8 F 63.530 Chirality DOI 10.1002/chir torted their accounts of his work to protect his hagio￾graphic image. Surely, these findings are significant and helpful for an understanding of the biographers’ state of mind, their great zeal to protect his image, and for inter￾preting their writings. Finally, a last observation: regardless of the reasons for the original appearance of May 15th in the Œuvres and irrespective of the explanation for the continuing accep￾tance of the wrong date in the literature, there is no doubt that by now—160 yr after the historic presentation and 86 yr after the emergence of the erroneous date—universal recognition of May 22nd, 1848, as the correct date of Pas￾teur’s announcement of his discovery of molecular chiral￾ity is long overdue. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is indebted to Catherine Reiter, Dr. Lilian Hoffecker, Lisa Traditi, and Clark Driese of Denison Me￾morial Library, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, for valuable assistance. The author is also deeply grateful to Agne` s Fontaine of the Association des Anciens E´le`ves de l’E´ cole normale supe´rieure in Paris for providing a copy of Chappuis’ obituary of Pasteur. Information on the French railroad network in 1850 kindly provided by Marie￾Noe¨lle Polino of the Association de l’Histoire des chemins de fer en France, AHICF, i.e., French Railway Historical Soci￾ety, Dominique Perchet of CILAC: la base de donne´es du patrimoine industriel, and Professor Goulven Guilcher of the University of Paris is acknowledged with gratitude. Helpful comments from the anonymous reviewers are also greatly appreciated. LITERATURE CITED 1. Eliel EL, Wilen S. Stereochemistry of organic compounds. New York: Wiley; 1994. p 2. 2. Biot J-B. Instructions pratiques sur l’observation et la mesure des proprie´ te´ s optiques appele´ es rotatoires. Paris: Bachelier; 1845. 3. Biot J-B. Instructions pratiques sur l’observation et la mesure des proprie´ te´ s optiques appele´ es rotatoires. 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