Author biographies Ryk Lues is currenty full profes. sor and hea the Programme Enviromental Heath at theCentra University of Technology (CUT),Free State,South Africa.He also heads the Unit for Applied Food Safety and Biotechnology at the CUT.Lues holds an MSc (microbiology)and a PhD (food science)from the University of the Free State and his field of spe cialization comprises organic acid biotechnolo nd social-behavioral affe nygiene.He to dat e,autho numerous arti es ISI-accredite journals and contributed to a number of books and book chapters on top. ics related to food microbiology,research methodology,and food hygiene systems auditing and management.He also supervised several masters, doctorate,and postdoctorate students and often acts as an external exam- iner,referee,and auditor. xxii Author biographies Ryk Lues is currently full profes￾sor and head of the Programme Environmental Health at the Central University of Technology (CUT), Free State, South Africa. He also heads the Unit for Applied Food Safety and Biotechnology at the CUT. Lues holds an MSc (microbiology) and a PhD (food science) from the University of the Free State and his field of spe￾cialization comprises organic acid biotechnology and social–behavioral aspects affecting food microbiology and hygiene. He has, to date, authored numerous articles in ISI-accredited journals and contributed to a number of books and book chapters on top￾ics related to food microbiology, research methodology, and food hygiene systems auditing and management. He also supervised several masters, doctorate, and postdoctorate students and often acts as an external exam￾iner, referee, and auditor
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