Rule #5 The Angle of Emergence from Complex Poles and The Angle of Entry into Complex Zeros(根轨迹 的出射角和入射角) Rule #o The root Locus Crossing with the Imaginary Axis(根轨迹与虚轴的交点) Rule #7 The Breakaway Point of the Root Locus(+#th 迹的分离点) Rule #8 The angle between the direction of emergence (or entry) of q coincident poles(or zeros) on the real axis 根轨迹离开或进入实轴上q重极点(或零点)方向之间的夹角)Rule #5 The Angle of Emergence from Complex Poles and The Angle of Entry into Complex Zeros (根轨迹 的出射角和入射角) Rule #6 The Root Locus Crossing with the Imaginary Axis (根轨迹与虚轴的交点) Rule #7 The Breakaway Point of the Root Locus (根轨 迹的分离点) Rule #8 The angle between the direction of emergence (or entry) of q coincident poles (or zeros) on the real axis (根轨迹离开或进入实轴上q重极点(或零点)方向之间的夹角)
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