458 光谱学与光诺分析 第29卷 钾施肥处理的小麦LUE提供了一种可行的方法,总体的RQ6020,06404和08014:钾施肥量1,2,3份时,R分 分别为Q7014和08534,当氨、钾施肥量增加,PR1估算 别为03791.0.6404和06769. LUE的精度在提高.氮施肥量为1,2,3份时,R2分别为 考文献 27(3):514 [3】LI Yue,DING Hai-shu,HUANGLan,ctal(李岳,丁海明,黄岚,等).Spectrosopy and Spectra Analysis(光谐学与光诸分折). 2005,25(3):377 5 5,195 5:28 E To shend」RG.IEEE T and Remote Sensing.6():1228. 91 of Fnvi cat,192,41a):35 I 1 DemmisAdams B Adams B Trends in Plant Science 1994 1:21 [91 Den igAdams B.Galmore A M.Adams WW.FASEB Journal.199.10:403. [10]Mehthy M.J.Agric.Engng.Res.2000.75:107. 11 ano L S.0 logia,1997,12:492 2 a J,Pinaol J,et al ,1997,18:2863 ng.200 of Remote Sensing.206.27:5109 [16]Arnon D 1.Plant Physiology,1949,24:1 Effects of N,K Fertilization on the Relationship bet ween Photosynthetic Light Use Efficiency and Photochemical Reflectance Index PRD WU Chaoryang'2.NIU Zheng',TANG Quan'2.HUANG Werrjiang' The State Key Laborato of Remote Sensing Science Institute of Remote Sensing Applications Chinese Academy of jing 100101.China y of Sciences,Beijing 3.National Engineering Re ese n Center fo logy in Agriculture,Beijing Abstraet PRI (Phtochemical reflectance index)has provided a fast and reliable method for estimating photosynthetic lightus efficiency across species.Increasing efforts have been paid to explore the effects of such disturb ces as water content and co concentration on the relationship between PRI and LUE.In the prese nt pape mve type with diferent kalium fertilization were selected to study the influence of varied fertilization levels on the relationship between PRI and LU The results proved that leaf chlorophyll contents as well as canopy PRIincreased with the increase in nitrogen and kalium fertili ation.For all the nitrogen and kalium fertilization of wheat,the regression coefficients R are 0.710 4 and 0 853 4 respectively When considering different levels of fertilization.the regression coefficientsare6020640 4 and8014 for three types of nitrogen fertilization,and 0.379 1,0.640 4 and 0 676 9 for kalium fertilization.Therefore,PRI not only can be a reliable im dicator of LUE but also can reflect the fertilization situation of wheat with different precisions of LUE assessment which can pro vide important reference for management and precision agriculture. Keywords Photochemical reflectance index (PRI):Light use efficiency (LUE):Nitrogen:Kalium:Precision agriculture (Received Nov.2.2007:accepted Feb.8.2008 1994-2010 China Academie Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.net钾施肥处理的小麦 LU E 提供了一种可行的方法 , 总体的 R 2 分别为 01701 4 和 01853 4。当氮、钾施肥量增加 , PRI 估算 LU E 的精度在提高。氮施肥量为 1 , 2 , 3 份时 , R 2 分别为 01602 0 , 01640 4 和 01801 4 ; 钾施肥量 1 , 2 , 3 份时 , R 2 分 别为 01379 1 , 01640 4 和 01676 9。 参 考 文 献 [ 1 ] Adams J M , Faure H , Faure2Denard L. Nature , 1990 , 348 : 711. [ 2 ] JI Hai2yan , WAN G Peng2xin , YAN Tai2lai(吉海彦 , 王鹏新 , 严泰来) . Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis(光谱学与光谱分析) , 2007 , 27 (3) : 514. [ 3 ] LI Yue , DIN G Hai2shu , HUAN G Lan , et al (李 岳 , 丁海曙 , 黄 岚 , 等) . Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis(光谱学与光谱分析) , 2005 , 25 (3) : 377. [ 4 ] WAN G Cheng2long , MA Guo2xin , FAN Duo2wang , et al (王成龙 , 马国欣 , 范多旺 , 等) . Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis(光谱学与 光谱分析) , 2005 , 25 (8) : 1262. 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Plant Physiology , 1949 , 24 : 1. Effects of N, K Fertilization on the Relationship between Photosynthetic Light Use Efficiency and Photochemical Reflectance Index ( PRI) WU Chao2yang 1 , 2 , NIU Zheng 1 , TAN G Quan 1 , 2 , HUAN G Wen2jiang 3 1. The State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science , Institute of Remote Sensing Applications , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100101 , China 2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100039 , China 3. National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture , Beijing 100097 , China Abstract PRI ( Photochemical reflectance index) has provided a fast and reliable method for estimating photosynthetic light use efficiency across species. Increasing efforts have been paid to explore the effects of such disturbances as water content and CO2 concentration on the relationship between PRI and LU E. In the present paper , five types of wheat with different nitrogen and kalium fertilization were selected to study the influence of varied fertilization levels on the relationship between PRI and LU E. The results proved that leaf chlorophyll contents as well as canopy PRI increased with the increase in nitrogen and kalium fertili2 zation. For all the nitrogen and kalium fertilization of wheat , the regression coefficients R 2 are 01710 4 and 01853 4 respectively. When considering different levels of fertilization , the regression coefficients R 2 are 01602 0 , 01640 4 and 01801 4 for three types of nitrogen fertilization , and 01379 1 , 01640 4 and 01676 9 for kalium fertilization. Therefore , PRI not only can be a reliable in2 dicator of LU E but also can reflect the fertilization situation of wheat with different precisions of LU E assessment which can pro2 vide important reference for management and precision agriculture. Keywords Photochemical reflectance index ( PRI) ; Light use efficiency (LU E) ; Nitrogen ; Kalium ; Precision agriculture (Received Nov. 2 , 2007 ; accepted Feb. 8 , 2008) 458 光谱学与光谱分析 第 29 卷
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