ple.Some of these systems are small enough to be implanted B7lS6anRaArsmtMaephimcCeP 40.383199 45531997 Conclusions James.V.Tangpasuthadol.and Kohn The above examples represent only some of the ap and m uang medical problems.Nonetheless. on cance hear II. other treatments.With continuing advances in chemical engi M.EK Park. lexander.cas.. STS Publishing.Cardift.U.K. cation in the future. Acknowledgments dation for supporting their research M.K.Park. iterature Cited .B. er ated Dopamine Se borty, A GH P ARh,没 s (19 er.M.Chow Soc I the 776( nsell, okanoeactci2olearctcdroee c6.23719 190 品 Hrkach Ben-Jebri T.w 7 A.Peppas 、Gels and 229 A ,J.Kohn,and B.D.Ratn 13.135(1 5.T.Lopins,N k Su R.Coh R.S af R nitic and AIChE Journal December 2003 Vol49,No.12 3003ple. Some of these systems are small enough to be implanted by intracutaneous injection by a large gauge hypodermic nee￾dle, thereby eliminating the need for surgical implantation Ž . Troyk, 1999 . 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