Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Morscher et al Vol 87. No Sic BN 200mm 200mm Fig. 11. TEM micrographs(top)and carbon map(bottom, labeled"C )for SYL-iBN SiC/SiC composites showing(a)inside-debonding composite and(b) outside-debonding composite sufficient to cause interface debonding during cooldown after L.U.J.T. Ogbuji,“ ive Mode of Oxidation Degradation in a SiC-SiC The residual stress state in SiC fiber/MI caused by the infiltration of molten Si in processing. The volume expansion of the si IAG.N. Morscher and J. L. Eldridge, " Constituent Effects tress-Strain liquid to solid phase transformation coupled with a lower thermal expansion coefficient for Si compared with SiC results in residual on Fracture. Elsevier Science, Oxford, U. K in press ompression in the matrix of SiC fiber/MI matrix composites. For 1M. Steen and】.L.val this reason, outside debonding is expected to be easier to tailor ASTM Special Technical Publication, VoL. STP 1309. Edited by M. G al or MI composites compared with other Sic fiber. SiC matrix American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA ons Composites Under Quasi-Static and Cyclic Loading, " Acta Metall. Mater. 41 141 1269-8l01993) References w. A. Curtin. B. K, Ahn, and N. Takeda, " Modeling Brittle and 46[0]3409-20(1998) G. N. Morscher, "" Modal Acoustic Emission Source Determination in JAm, Ceran,So,83|6l1441-4902000 Carbide Matrix Composites -N, S. Jacobson, G, N. Morscher. D. R. Bryant, and R. E. Tressler. Nondestructive evaluation, t Temperature Oxidation of Boron Nitride: Il, Boron Nitride Layers in Composites. Thompson and D. E. Chimet rican Institute of Physics. Melville, NY. 2000 JAm, Ceram.Soc,82|6l1473-82(99) Coatings for Ceramic Matrix B, K. Ahn and w. A Curtin, "Strain and Hysteresis by Stochastic Matrix Cracking Composites, "Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc 13 [7-81 23-56(1992) 2G. N. Morscher and J. Hurst, "Stress-Rupture and Stress-R ature, "Ceram. Eng. Sci. 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