EX:Antiviral medicines can prevent flu-N&O(People's Pharmacy)January 1,2004 Oral anti-flu medications are not numerous.One of the first was a drug "Symmetrel"originally developed to treat Parkinson's Disease(1966),but approved by the FDA for flu ten years later.A related compound, Rimantadine received approval in 1993.Both must be taken within the first day or two of the flu,and are effective only against strains of Type A influenza.(135种类型) C12H21N NH2 C1oH17N The News Observer -NH2 金刚胺 Rimantadine Amantadine 金刚烷胺 aka Flumadine aka Symmetrel 去冬以来国内16个省现人感染H7N9禽流感病例,至今1月公开数据显示, 有200多人发病,80余人死亡。这也是2013年首次发现H7N9禽流感病毒以 来,最为严重的一次疫情。近日中国工程院院士钟南山表示,H7N9病毒变 异株已现耐药性,呼吁不要接触活禽。 禽流感.达菲.莽草酸.八角EX: Antiviral medicines can prevent flu –N&O (People’s Pharmacy) January 1, 2004 Oral anti-flu medications are not numerous. One of the first was a drug “Symmetrel” originally developed to treat Parkinson’s Disease (1966) , but approved by the FDA for flu ten years later. A related compound, Rimantadine received approval in 1993. Both must be taken within the first day or two of the flu, and are effective only against strains of Type A influenza. (135种类型 ) 金刚胺 金刚烷胺 The News & Observer 禽流感…达菲…莽草酸…八角 去冬以来国内16个省现人感染H7N9禽流感病例,至今1月公开数据显示, 有200多人发病,80余人死亡。这也是2013年首次发现H7N9禽流感病毒以 来,最为严重的一次疫情。近日中国工程院院士钟南山表示,H7N9病毒变 异株已现耐药性,呼吁不要接触活禽
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