1、面对压力的选择:基因调控系统 b A:The Neurotransmitters Aldosterone Hppocampus Glucocorticoids organism's Receptors response to stress includes the activation of Inactive metabolite 11-SD the autonomic nervous system Intracellular signalling and the pathways hypothalamic- CRH AVP pituitary- c-jun adrenocortical STAT5 AP1 (HPA)axis Anterior pituitary CREB) (NF-kB c-junTFID B:On agonist ACTH AP1 NF-KB binding, STAT5 CREB) activated corticosteroid Adrenal cortex mRNA Nucleus receptors can affect (enhance Glucocorticoids Protein synthesis or inhibit)the Nature Reviews|Neuroscience expression of target genes1、面对压力的选择: 基因调控系统 A: The organism's response to stress includes the activation of the autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamic￾pituitary￾adrenocortical (HPA) axis B:On agonist binding, activated corticosteroid receptors can affect (enhance or inhibit) the expression of target genes
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