452· 智能系统学报 第4卷 Proc of IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recogni- nalysis and Machine Intelligence,1998.20(1):39-51. tion.Washington DC,USA,2004::53-60. [19]JROWLEY H.BALUJA S.KANADE T.Neural network [LIENHART R,MAYDT J.An extended set of Haar-like based face detection[C]//Proc of IEEE Conf on Computer features for rapid object detection[Cl//Proc of IEEE Conf Vision and Paten Recognition.San Francisco,USA, on Image Processing.New York,USA.2002:900-903. 1996::22-38, [8]HUANG Chang,AI Haizhou,LI Yuan,et al.High-per- [20]]YANG M H,KRIECMAN DJ,AHUJA N.Detection formance rotation invariant multiview face detection[J]. faces in images:a survey[J]IEEE Transactions on Pat- IEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelli- tern Analysis and Machine Inteligence,2002,24(1): gence,2007,29(4):671-686 34-58. [9]ABRAMSON Y.STEUX B.YEF real-time object detection [21]VIOLA PA.JONES M J.Robust real-time object detec- [C]//Proe of International Workshop Automatic Learning tion[Cl//Proc of IEEE ICCV Workshop on Statistical and and Real-Time.Siegen,Cermany,2005:5-13 Computational Theories of Vision.Vancouver,Canada, [10]XIAO Rong,ZHU Long,ZHANG Hongjiang.Boosting 2001:747. chain leaning for object detection[C]l//Proc of IEEE 作者简介: Conf on Computer Vision.Nice,France,2003:709-715. 陈春燕,女,1985年生,硕士研究生, [11]LI S Z,ZHANG Z Q.FloatBoost learning and statistical 主要研究方向为图像处理、机器视觉 face detectionfJ].IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,2004,26(9)):1112-1123. [12]BOURDEV L.BRANDT J.Robust object detection via soft cascade[C]//Proc odf IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.San Diego,USA,2005::236- 243. 章品正,男,1976年生,讲师,主要 [13]|HUANG Chang,Al Haizhou,WU Bo,et al.Boosting 研究方向为面部表情特征抽取与跟踪 nested cascade detector for multi-view face detection 近年来发表学术论文10余篇. [C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition.Cambridge,UK,2004:415-418. 4]武勃,黄畅,艾海舟,等.基于连续Adaboost算法的 多视角人脸检测[J].计算机研究与发展,2005,422 (⑨1:1612-1621. 罗立民,男,1956年生,教授、博士 WU Bo,HUANG Chang,Al Haizhou,et al.A muliview 生导师,长江学者特聘教授,九三学社 face detection based on real Adaboost algorithm[J].Jour-- 中央委员,江苏省政协委员,中国电子 nal of Computer Research and Development,2005,422 学会生物医学电子学分会副主委,中国 (9::1612-1621 电子学会理事,IEEE高级会员,教育部 [15]XAO Rong,ZHU Huaiyi,SUN He,et al.Dynamic cas- 科技委信息学部委员,东南大学理学院 cade for face detection[C]//IEEE Intenational Conference e 副院长,法国雷恩大学和上海交通大学兼职教授,IEEE on Computer Vision.Rio de Janeiro,Brazl,2007:':H8 EMB Magazine等国内外重要学术刊物编委.主要研究方向为 [6]]HUANG Chang,AI Haizhou,LI Yuan,et al.Learnings 图像处理、科学可视化和计算机辅助诊断与治疗.曾获江苏 sparse features in granular space for multi-view face detec- 省科技进步2等奖、广东省科技进步2等奖、IEEE学会贡 tion[C]://Proc of 7th International Conf on Automatic c 献奖等.近年来发表学术论文200余篇,撰写和参编学术 Face and Gesture Recognition.Southampton,UK,2006:: 著作5部. 401-4066. [17]NILSON NJ.Artifical Inteligence:a new Synthesis [M].San Francisco,USA:A:Morgan Kaufimnann,1998: 140-1611. [18]SUNG K.POCGIO T.Example-based learing for view- based face detection[J]I.IEEE Transactions on Patten A-.-罗立民,男,1956年生,教授、博士 生导师,长江学者特聘教授,九三学社 中央委员,江苏省政协委员,中国电子 学会生物医学电子学分会副主委,中国 电子学会理事,IEEE高级会员,教育部 验 科技委信息学部委员,东南大学理学院 [10] XIAO Rong,ZHU Long,ZHANG Hongjiang. Boosting chain leaning for object detection[ C] //Proc of IEEE Conf on Computer Vision. Nice,France,2003: 709-715. 副院长,法国雷恩大学和上海交通大学兼职教授,IEEE EMB Magazine等国内外重要学术刊物编委.主要研究方向为 图像处理、科学可视化和计算机辅助诊断与治疗.曾获江苏 省科技进步2等奖、广东省科技进步2等奖、IEEE学会贡 献奖等.近年来发表学术论文200余篇,撰写和参编学术 著作5部. 智 能 系 统 学 报 7] LIENHART R,MAYDT J. An extended set of Haar-like features for rapid object detection[ C]//Proc of IEEE Conf on Image Processing. New York,USA,2002: 900-903. [13] HUANG Chang,Al Haizhou,WU Bo,et al. Boosting nested cascade detector for multi-view face detection [C]//Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Cambridge,UK,2004: 415-418. [15] XAO Rong,ZHU Huaiyi,SUN He,et al. Dynamic cas￾cade for face detection[ C] //IEEE Intenational Conference on Computer Vision. Rio de Janeiro,Brazl,2007: 1-8. Proc of IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recogni￾tion. Washington DC,USA,2004: 53-60. 陈春燕,女,1985年生,硕士研究生 主要研究方向为图像处理、机器视觉. nalysis and Machine Intelligence,1998,20(1) :39-51. [21] VIOLA PA,JONES M J. Robust real-time object detec￾tion[ C]//Proc of IEEE ICCV Workshop on Statistical and Computational Theories of Vision. Vancouver,Canada, 2001;747. [20] YANG M H,KRIECMAN DJ,AHUJA N. Detection faces in images: a survey[J] . IEEE Transactions on Pat￾tern Analysis and Machine Inteligence,2002,24(1) : 34-58. [8] HUANG Chang,AI Haizhou,LI Yuan,et al. High-per￾formance rotation invariant multiview face detection[J]. IEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelli￾gence,2007,29(4) : 671-686. [9] ABRAMSON Y, STEUX B. YEF real-time object detection [C] //Proe of International Workshop Automatic Learning and Real-Time. Siegen,Cermany,2005: 5-13. [17] NILSON NJ. Artifical Inteligence: a new Synthesis [M].San Francisco,USA: Morgan Kaufmnann,1998: 140-161 [12] BOURDEV L,BRANDT J. Robust object detection via soft cascade[ C]//Proc odf IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. San Diego,USA,2005: 236- 243. [14] 武 勃,黄 畅,艾海舟,等.基于连续Adaboost算法的 多视角人脸检测[J] .计算机研究与发展,2005,42 (9) : 1612-1621. [11] LI S Z,ZHANG Z Q. FloatBoost learning and statistical face detection[J] . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,2004,26(9) :1112-1123. 章品正,男,1976年生,讲师,主要 研究方向为面部表情特征抽取与跟踪 近年来发表学术论文10余篇. 452· 第4卷 作者简介: [18] SUNG K,POCGIO T. Example-based learing for view￾based face detection[J] . IEEE Transactions on Patten A- [19] ROWLEY H,BALUJA S,KANADE T. Neural network￾based face detection[ C] //Proc of IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Paten Recognition. San Francisco,USA, 1996: 22-38 WU Bo,HUANG Chang,Al Haizhou,et al. A muliview face detection based on real Adaboost algorithm[J].Jour￾nal of Computer Research and Development,2005,42 (9) : 1612-1621. [16] HUANG Chang,AI Haizhou,LI Yuan, et al. Learning sparse features in granular space for multi-view face detec￾tion[C] //Proc of 7th International Conf on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Southampton,UK,2006: 401-406
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