CSP Classic: Graph coloring Pick colors for map regions, without coloring adjacent regions with the same color Variables regions Domains flowed colors Constraints adjacent regions must have different colors Real World: Scheduling as a csp Choose time for activities: activity observations on Hubble telescope jobs on machine tool terms to take required classes 产 Variables are activities time Domains sets of possible start times(or"chunks"of time) Constraints 1. Activities that use the same resource cannot overlap in time 2. Preconditions are satisfied9 CSP Classic: Graph Coloring Variables Domains Constraints regions allowed colors adjacent regions must have different colors Pick colors for map regions, without coloring adjacent regions 10 Real World: Scheduling as a CSP Variables Domains Constraints are activities sets of possible start times (or “chunks” of time) 1. Activities that use the same resource cannot overlap in time 2. Preconditions are satisfied 2 1 3 4 5 time activity Choose time for activities: • jobs on machine tools with the same color • observations on Hubble telescope • terms to take required classes