Teaching Plan Name Zhang Yu-fei Academic Year 2013-2013 Term 2 Date 2013.03.20 Period 5-7 Textbook COMPUTER NETWORK 10计算机科学与技术本科 Content Chapter2应用层 3 Objectives 了解Continous Media E-mail:掌握FTP和SMTP协议格式。 Key points SMTP Po可 Mail Access Protocol Conten for selfudy htp//www rfe-editoror5htp/wwrfe-editor.or/rfe/fe81xt Teaching equipment Multimedia Related knowledge FTPand Email Teaching methods 启发式、讨论式教学 Outlinesrquiremns and time all 复习上次课的HTTP格式等重要内容 5分钟 2.3 File Transfer:.FTP(文件传输协议:FTP) 20分钟 2 3 1 FTP Commands and Replies client/ver model fip client contacts fip server at port 21,specifying TCP as transport protoco two parallel TCP connections opened: control:exchange commands,responses between client,server data:file data to/from server fip server maintains"state"cumrent directory,earlier authentication 20分钟 Sample commands USER usemame,PASS password,LIST,RETR filename,STOR filename Sample retum codes:331 Usemame OK,password required 125 data connection already open;transfer starting (讲解FTP端口号,FTP命令格式、返回代码等;用讨论式教学方式教学。) 2.4 Electronic Mail in the Intemet(因特网中的电子邮件) 20分钟 24.1 SMTP Three major components: ui three phases of transfer:handshaking (greeting),transfer of messages,closure command/esponse interaction messages must be in 7-bit ASCII10 Teaching Plan Name Zhang Yu-fei Academic Year 2013-2013 Term 2 Date 2013.03.20 Period 5-7 Textbook COMPUTER NETWORK Specialty and Stratification 10 计算机科学与技术 本科 Content Chapter 2 应用层 Teaching hours 3 Objectives 了解 Continuous Media E-mail;掌握 FTP 和 S MTP 协议格式。 Key points SMTP Points difficult to understand Mail Access Protocol Content for self study http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc19 59.txt http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rf c821.txt Teaching equipment Multimedia Related knowledge FTP and Email Teaching methods 启发式、讨论式教学 Outlines, requirements and time allocation 复习上次课的 HTTP 格式等重要内容 2.3 File Transfer: FTP(文件传输协议:FTP) 2.3.1 FTP Commands and Replies transfer file to/from remote host client/server model ftp client contacts ftp server at port 21, specifying TCP as transport protocol two parallel TCP connections opened: control: exchange commands, responses between client, server. data: file data to/from server ftp server maintains “state”: current directory, earlier authentication Sample commands: USER username, PASS password, LIST, RETR filename, STOR filename Sample return codes:331 Username OK, password required 125 data connection already open; transfer starting (讲解 FTP 端口号,FTP 命令格式、返回代码等;用讨论式教学方式教学。) 2.4 Electronic Mail in the Internet(因特网中的电子邮件) 2.4.1 SMTP Three major components: user agents, mail servers, simple mail transfer protocol: smtp uses tcp to reliably transfer email msg from client to server, port 25 direct transfer: sending server to receiving server three phases of transfer: handshaking (greeting), transfer of messages, closure command/response interaction messages must be in 7-bit ASCII 5 分钟 20 分钟 20 分钟 20 分钟
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