55%and is quite thick.Creams for packaging and sale in the retail market must be pasteurized to ensure freedom from pathogenic bacteria.Whipping cream is not normally homogenized,as the high fat content will lead to extensive fat globule aggregation and clustering,which leads to excessive viscosity and a loss of whipping ability.This phenomena has been used,however,to produce a spoonable cream product to be used as a dessert topping.Lower fat creams(10%or 18%)can be homogenized,usually at lower pressure than whole milk. 六、附加题(仅选修小语种的同学完成,共计60分) 1.简述发酵剂的种类、质量鉴定方法及其标准。 2.试述速溶奶粉的加工原理和质量控制方法。 3.试举一例说明长货架期液态牛奶的加工工艺及其质量控制方法。 4.试举一例阐述乳酸菌饮料的加工工艺及其质量控制方法 5.名词解释(每小题2分,共计8分) (1)乳的T度 (2)UHT (3)酸奶的后发酵 (4)乳的均质55% and is quite thick. Creams for packaging and sale in the retail market must be pasteurized to ensure freedom from pathogenic bacteria. Whipping cream is not normally homogenized, as the high fat content will lead to extensive fat globule aggregation and clustering, which leads to excessive viscosity and a loss of whipping ability. This phenomena has been used, however, to produce a spoonable cream product to be used as a dessert topping. Lower fat creams (10% or 18%) can be homogenized, usually at lower pressure than whole milk. 六、附加题(仅选修小语种的同学完成,共计 60 分) 1. 简述发酵剂的种类、质量鉴定方法及其标准。 2. 试述速溶奶粉的加工原理和质量控制方法。 3. 试举一例说明长货架期液态牛奶的加工工艺及其质量控制方法。 4. 试举一例阐述乳酸菌饮料的加工工艺及其质量控制方法 5. 名词解释(每小题 2 分,共计 8 分) (1) 乳的 T 度 (2) UHT (3) 酸奶的后发酵 (4) 乳的均质
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