650 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook 3.6 Waste Water Characterization An understanding of the nature of the physical, chemical, and biologi cal characteristics of waste water is essential in the design and operation of collection, treatment, and disposal facilities, and in the engineering manage- ment of environmental quality The analyses performed on waste waters may be classified as physical chemical, and biological. These analyses vary from precise quantitative chemical determinations to the more qualitative biological and physical determinations sical Characteristics. The most ant physical I characteristi of waste water is its total solids content, which is composed offloating matter matter in suspension, colloidal matter, and matter in solution. Other physical Chemical Characteristics. These consist of organic matter, the measurement of organic content, the inorganic matter, and the gases found in waste water. The measurement of organic content is very important because of its importance in both the design and operation of waste water treatment plants and the management of water quality. Biological Characteristics. Biological aspects with which the sani tary engineer must be familiar include knowledge of the principal groups of microorganisms found in surface and waste waters, as well as those respon- sible for biological treatment, knowledge of the organisms used as indicators of pollution and their significance, and knowledge of the methods used to evaluate the toxicity of treated waste waters 3. 7 Common pollutants Generally, under NPDES program, the following pollutants are re- quired to be monitored and reported Oxygen Demand Biochemical Oxygen Demand Total Oxygen Demand Total Organic Carbon Solids Total Suspended Solids Total dissolved Solids650 Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook 3.6 Waste Water Characterization An understanding of the nature of the physical, chemical, and biologi￾cal characteristics of waste water is essential in the design and operation of collection, treatment, and disposal facilities, and in the engineering manage￾ment of environmental quality. The analyses performed on waste waters may be classified as physical, chemical, and biological. These analyses vary from precise quantitative chemical determinations to the more qualitative biological and physical determinations. Physical Characteristics. The most important physical characteristic ofwaste water is its total solids content, which is composed offloating matter, matter in suspension, colloidal matter, and matter in solution. Other physical characteristics include temperature, color, and odor. These consist of organic matter, the measurement of organic content, the inorganic matter, and the gases found in waste water. The measurement of organic content is very important because of its importance in both the design and operation of waste water treatment plants and the management of water quality. BioIogicaI Characteristics. Biological aspects with which the sani￾tary engineer must be familiar include knowledge of the principal groups of microorganisms found in surface and waste waters, as well as those respon￾sible for biological treatment, knowledge of the organisms used as indicators of pollution and their significance, and knowledge of the methods used to evaluate the toxicity of treated waste waters. Chemical Characteristics. 3.7 Common Pollutants Generally, under NPDES program, the following pollutants are re￾Oxygen Demand quired to be monitored and reported. - Biochemical Oxygen Demand - Total Oxygen Demand - Total Organic Carbon - Total Suspended Solids - Total dissolved Solids Solids
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