L. Create a customer Click on the create customer button ype in 1 for the Customer Number John for the first Name Doe for the last name 123456789 for the tax id Click Create A" New Customer has been successfully created message will appear First Name: TAX ID Reset m. Create an account for the customer Click on Create Account For Customer Number type in 1 or Account Number type in 10 Enter in 1000 as the starting balance or Choose Savings as the type of acco Click Create Customer Numbe unt Number Account Type a Savings C Checking Starting Balance s 1000 n Create another account for the customer ype in 11 for the Account Number Choose Checking as the Account Type Enter in 1000 as the starting balance Click Create Proof of Technology L04-Web Sphere Deployment Automation and WRU© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved Proof of Technology L04 – WebSphere Deployment Automation and WRU Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 13 of 28 __ l. Create a customer. __ Click on the Create Customer button __ Type in 1 for the Customer Number __ John for the First Name __ Doe for the Last Name __ 123456789 for the TAX ID __ Click Create A “New Customer has been successfully created” message will appear. __ m. Create an account for the customer. __ Click on Create Account __ For Customer Number type in 1 __ For Account Number type in 10 __ Choose Savings as the type of account __ Enter in 1000 as the starting balance __ Click Create. __ n. Create another account for the customer. __ Type in 11 for the Account Number __ Choose Checking as the Account Type __ Enter in 1000 as the starting balance __ Click Create
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