ONLINE RESOURCES nations of the answers are presented on the book's web site, some in video format.Students can view Camtasia videos,pre- pared by Dubear Kroening at the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley.These tutorials enhance interactivity and hone problem- TEST BANK solving skills to give students the confidence they need to tackle complex problems in genetics. The test bank is available on the Instructor Companion site and contains approximately 50 test questions per chapter.It is ANIMATIONS available online as MS Word files and as a computerized test bank.This easy-to-use test-generation program fully supports These animations illustrate key concepts from the text and graphics,print tests,student answer sheets,and answer keys. aid students in grasping some of the most difficult concepts in The software's advanced features allow you to produce an exam genetics.Also included are animations that will give students a to your exact specifications. refresher in basic biology. LECTURE POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS Highly visual lecture PowerPoint presentations are available Answers to odd-numbered Questions and Problems are located for each chapter and help convey key concepts illustrated by at the end of the text for easy access for students.Answers to imbedded text art.The presentations may be accessed on the all Questions and Problems in the text are available only to Instructor Companion site. instructors on the Instructor Companion site. PRE AND POST LECTURE ASSESSMENT ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOS This assessment tool allows instructors to assign a quiz prior to All line illustrations and photos from Principles of Genetics, 676 Edition,are available on the Instructor Companion site in lecture to assess student understanding and encourage reading, and following lecture to gauge improvement and weak areas. both jpeg files and PowerPoint format.Line illustrations are Two quizzes are provided for every chapter. enhanced to provide the best presentation experience. PERSONAL RESPONSE SYSTEM BOOK COMPANION WEB SITE QUESTIONS (www.wiley.com/college/snustad) This text-specific web site provides students with additional These questions are designed to provide readymade pop quizzes resources and extends the chapters of the text to the resources and to foster student discussion and debate in class.Available on of the World Wide Web.Resources include: the Instructor Companion site. For Students:practice quizzes covering key concepts for each chapter of the text,flashcards,and the Biology PRACTICE QUIZZES NewsFinder. Available on the Student Companion site,these quizzes contain For Instructors:Test Bank,PowerPoint Presentations, line art and photos in jpeg and PowerPoint formats,per- 20 questions per chapter for students to quiz themselves and sonal response system questions,and all answers to end-of- receive instant feedback. chapter Questions and Problems. MILESTONES IN GENETICS WILEY RESOURCE KIT The Milestones are available on the Student Companion site. The Wiley Resource Kit fully integrates all content into easy- Each of them explores a key development in genetics- to-navigate and customized modules that promote student usually an experiment or a discovery.We cite the original papers engagement,learning,and success.All online resources are that pertain to the subject of the Milestone,and we include two housed on this easy-to-navigate website,including: Questions for Discussion to provide students with an opportunity to investigate the current significance of the subject.These Animated Solutions to the Solve It prompts in the text utilize questions are suitable for cooperative learning activities in the Camtasia Studio software,a registered trademark of TechSmith classroom,or for reflective writing exercises that go beyond the Corporation,and they provide step-by-step solutions that technical aspects of genetic analysis. appear as if they are written out by hand as an instructor voice- over explains each step. SOLVE IT GO Problem Tutorials give students the opportunity to Solve It boxes provide students with opportunities to test their observe a problem being worked out and then attempt to solve understanding of concepts as they encounter them in the text. a similar problem.Working with GO problems will instill the Each chapter poses two Solve It problems;step-by-step expla- confidence students need to succeed in the Genetics course. viivii ONLINE RESOURCES TEST BANK The test bank is available on the Instructor Companion site and contains approximately 50 test questions per chapter. It is available online as MS Word files and as a computerized test bank. This easy-to-use test-generation program fully supports graphics, print tests, student answer sheets, and answer keys. The software’s advanced features allow you to produce an exam to your exact specifications. LECTURE POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS Highly visual lecture PowerPoint presentations are available for each chapter and help convey key concepts illustrated by imbedded text art. The presentations may be accessed on the Instructor Companion site. PRE AND POST LECTURE ASSESSMENT This assessment tool allows instructors to assign a quiz prior to lecture to assess student understanding and encourage reading, and following lecture to gauge improvement and weak areas. Two quizzes are provided for every chapter. PERSONAL RESPONSE SYSTEM QUESTIONS These questions are designed to provide readymade pop quizzes and to foster student discussion and debate in class. Available on the Instructor Companion site. PRACTICE QUIZZES Available on the Student Companion site, these quizzes contain 20 questions per chapter for students to quiz themselves and receive instant feedback. MILESTONES IN GENETICS The Milestones are available on the Student Companion site. Each of them explores a key development in genetics— usually an experiment or a discovery. We cite the original papers that pertain to the subject of the Milestone, and we include two Questions for Discussion to provide students with an opportunity to investigate the current significance of the subject. These questions are suitable for cooperative learning activities in the classroom, or for reflective writing exercises that go beyond the technical aspects of genetic analysis. SOLVE IT Solve It boxes provide students with opportunities to test their understanding of concepts as they encounter them in the text. Each chapter poses two Solve It problems; step-by-step expla￾nations of the answers are presented on the book’s web site, some in video format. Students can view Camtasia videos, pre￾pared by Dubear Kroening at the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley. These tutorials enhance interactivity and hone problem￾solving skills to give students the confidence they need to tackle complex problems in genetics. ANIMATIONS These animations illustrate key concepts from the text and aid students in grasping some of the most difficult concepts in genetics. Also included are animations that will give students a refresher in basic biology. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS Answers to odd-numbered Questions and Problems are located at the end of the text for easy access for students. Answers to all Questions and Problems in the text are available only to instructors on the Instructor Companion site. ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOS All line illustrations and photos from Principles of Genetics, 6th Edition, are available on the Instructor Companion site in both jpeg files and PowerPoint format. Line illustrations are enhanced to provide the best presentation experience. BOOK COMPANION WEB SITE (www.wiley.com/college/snustad) This text-specific web site provides students with additional resources and extends the chapters of the text to the resources of the World Wide Web. Resources include: • For Students: practice quizzes covering key concepts for each chapter of the text, flashcards, and the Biology NewsFinder. • For Instructors: Test Bank, PowerPoint Presentations, line art and photos in jpeg and PowerPoint formats, per￾sonal response system questions, and all answers to end-of￾chapter Questions and Problems. WILEY RESOURCE KIT The Wiley Resource Kit fully integrates all content into easy￾to-navigate and customized modules that promote student engagement, learning, and success. All online resources are housed on this easy-to-navigate website, including: Animated Solutions to the Solve It prompts in the text utilize Camtasia Studio software, a registered trademark of TechSmith Corporation, and they provide step-by-step solutions that appear as if they are written out by hand as an instructor voice￾over explains each step. GO Problem Tutorials give students the opportunity to observe a problem being worked out and then attempt to solve a similar problem. Working with GO problems will instill the confidence students need to succeed in the Genetics course
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