Textbooks and references Author Title Publisher eal Truth wisdom Suhua tian Monetary Economics: Theory and Press, Shanghai (Textbook) Practice People's Publishing Monetary Theory and Policy(Third Carl E. Walsh MIT Press The Federal Reserve and the Ben bernanke Princeton UniversIty 2013 al Cris Frederic s. Mishkin The Economics of Money, Banking China Renmin 2005 and Financial Markets(9th Edition) University Press Bruce Greenwald and Towards a New Paradigm of Cambria 2003 Joseph e stiglitz University Press Revolution and evolution in Princeton University Michael Woodford Twentieth-Century 1999 Macroeconomic Hebei renmin Monetary Economics 1999 blishing House Milton Friedman& A Monetary History of the UnitedPeking University 2009 Anna J. Schwartz States.1867-1960 Press K. Bain and Peter Monetary Economics: Policy and Its Howells Theoretical basis Palgrave macmillan 2003 Brian Morgan Monetarists and Keynesians: Their The Macmillan Contribution to Monetary Policy Press Ltd 1978 Ben bernanke Monetary Policy in a New Era 017 Institutions Federal Reserve Fed Monetary Policy Report July13,2018 Teaching arrangement and outcomes Arrangement Contents I Text/reference Homework Outcome Week 1 Money Suhua Tian(2010) List Economists Acknowledge the Phenomenon Ch1: Michael who contribute to mechanism that Historical Woodford( 1999) the foundation money affects the Development of and development economy and the Monetary of Monetary realistic basis of nd its of Monetary Economics; QE Week 2 The definition, Suhua Tian(2010) What are the categories. functions Ch 2. Friedman determinants that that credit money2 Textbooks and references Author Title Publisher Year Suhua Tian (Textbook) Monetary Economics: Theory and Practice Truth & Wisdom Press, Shanghai People’s Publishing House 2010 Carl E. Walsh Monetary Theory and Policy(Third edition) MIT Press 2010 Ben Bernanke The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis Princeton University Press 2013 Frederic S.Mishkin The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (9th Edition) China Renmin University Press 2005 Bruce Greenwald and Joseph E. Stiglitz Towards a New Paradigm of Monetary Economics Cambridge University Press 2003 Michael Woodford Revolution and Evolution in Twentieth-Century Macroeconomics Princeton University Press 1999 Tao Ma Monetary Economics Hebei Renmin Publishing House 1999 Milton Friedman & Anna J. Schwartz A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 Peking University Press 2009 K. Bain and Peter Howells Monetary Economics: Policy and Its Theoretical Basis Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Brian Morgan Monetarists and Keynesians: Their Contribution to Monetary Policy The Macmillan Press Ltd 1978 Ben Bernanke Monetary Policy in a New Era Brookings Institutions 2017 Fed Monetary Policy Report. Federal Reserve System July 13, 2018 Teaching arrangement and outcomes Arrangement Contents Text/reference Homework Outcome Week 1 Money Phenomenon, Historical Development of Monetary Economics and its topics Suhua Tian (2010) Ch.1;Michael Woodford(1999) List Economists who contribute to the foundation and development of Monetary Economics Acknowledge the mechanism that money affects the economy and the realistic basis of the development of Monetary Economics; QE Monetary Policy Week 2 The definition, categories, functions Suhua Tian (2010) Ch.2, Friedman & What are the determinants that Fully understand that credit money
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