白避等,公交家流使计系统设计 公交客流统计系统设计 白璐胡雪岩韩醒之 摘要:目前,城市交通堵塞情况严重,作为人们日常交通工具的公交车,在上班高峰时期也是人满为患,在交通 低湖时期空空却有大量空位。面对这种公交车以周定时间发车的现状,人们选择自己买车,使交通堵塞情况更加 学重。为了解决此问避我们设计了公交客流统计系统,以此来合理调配公交资源,进面缓解交通压力。公交客流 计系统分为发射和接收两部分。发射部分为公交车上的红外对管,我们使用它统计车上安流情识,通过G我 得当前所在地点和行车速度,并利用无线方式将这些信息发给接收部分 (即站牌无 公交公司调度中心)在站 等待上车的乘客通过站牌的LCD观察公交车运行情况,便于乘客做出最合理的选择,节约时向为出行提供方便。 公交公司调度中心可以根据客流量情况来对车次进行调度,节约资源和满足运输需求。 关键词:公交车:GPS:MSP430:人数统计:无线通信 Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System design Lu bai Xueyan hu Xingzhi han Abstract:Recently,the uban traffic jams in serious condition bus asonef the most common means oftransport is overcrowded in the rush hour,on the other hand,it's nearly emtpy in times of traffic low Moreover.faced with the situation of buses dispatching at regular time,some people choose to buy their own cars.what made traffic in a worse condition Considering resolving this problem and then to alleviating the.Transit passenger flow statistics system consist of part and receiving part.Transmitting part using Infrared Emitting Diode and Photodiode calculatored the passenger flow on the bus then acquired the current location and speed through GPS.and sent these information to receiving part (i.e.the bus stops and Transit Company Dispatch Center)by wireless.The passengers who was waiting at the site could observe operating conditions through the LCD of the bus stons.in order that the pa trips ac rding to pas way could help co rve re Keywords:bus:GPS:MSP430:people-counting:wireless communication 府届然正在努力讲行,但是达到我们的理相要求不 0引言 是一朝一夕能实现的。相对而言道路二更能快速有 效缪解方状况 因此本文基于当今现状对方案 城市交通的现状不容乐观, 尤其是上下班的高 进行了研究现 有的公交车其实是个非常好的资源 峰期,车辆更是“寸步难行”,解决这种现状在我们 如果加以充分利用,一定会很大程度改善交通状况 看来有两种方法可以解决。 一是改善道路状况,加 而且还能达到节能减排,保护环境的目的,城市智能 强道路建:二是在现有的道路状况下合理管理,有 公交系统的建立应该是未来城市的必经之路,试想 效利用现有资源,尽可能缓解交通状况。办法一政 如果在上下班的时候公交车充足,车内没那么拥挤, “指导老师:段清明 项日类举:大学生创新项日 白 璐等:公交客流统计系统设计 13 公交客流统计系统设计∗ 白璐 胡雪岩 韩醒之 摘要:目前,城市交通堵塞情况严重,作为人们日常交通工具的公交车,在上班高峰时期也是人满为患,在交通 低潮时期空空却有大量空位。面对这种公交车以固定时间发车的现状,人们选择自己买车,使交通堵塞情况更加 严重。为了解决此问题我们设计了公交客流统计系统,以此来合理调配公交资源,进而缓解交通压力。公交客流 统计系统分为发射和接收两部分。发射部分为公交车上的红外对管,我们使用它统计车上客流情况,通过 GPS 获 得当前所在地点和行车速度,并利用无线方式将这些信息发给接收部分(即站牌和公交公司调度中心)。在站点 等待上车的乘客通过站牌的 LCD 观察公交车运行情况,便于乘客做出最合理的选择,节约时间为出行提供方便。 公交公司调度中心可以根据客流量情况来对车次进行调度,节约资源和满足运输需求。 关键词:公交车;GPS;MSP430;人数统计;无线通信 Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System design Lu bai Xueyan hu Xingzhi han Abstract : Recently,the urban traffic jams in serious condition,bus as one of the most common means of transport is overcrowded in the rush hour,on the other hand,it's nearly emtpy in times of traffic low.Moreover,faced with the situation of buses dispatching at regular time,some people choose to buy their own cars,what made traffic in a worse condition.Considering resolving this problem , we designed a transit passenger flow statistics system, which would make a reasonable provision of public transport resources, and then contribute to alleviating the pressure on traffic.Transit passenger flow statistics system consist of transmitting part and receiving part.Transmitting part using Infrared Emitting Diode and Photodiode calculatored the passenger flow on the bus ,then acquired the current location and speed through GPS, and sent these information to receiving part (i.e. the bus stops and Transit Company Dispatch Center) by wireless. The passengers who was waiting at the site could observe operating conditions through the LCD of the bus stops ,in order that the passengers would make the most rational choice, saving time to facilitate travel.Transit Company Dispatch Center would schedule bus trips according to passenger flow conditions ,in that way could help conserve resources and satisfy transport needs. Keywords:bus;GPS;MSP430;people-counting; wireless communication ∗ 指导老师:段清明 项目类型:大学生创新项目 0 引言 城市交通的现状不容乐观,尤其是上下班的高 峰期,车辆更是“寸步难行”,解决这种现状在我们 看来有两种方法可以解决。一是改善道路状况,加 强道路建;二是在现有的道路状况下合理管理,有 效利用现有资源,尽可能缓解交通状况。办法一政 府虽然正在努力进行,但是达到我们的理想要求不 是一朝一夕能实现的。相对而言道路二更能快速有 效缓解交通状况,因此本文基于当今现状对方案二 进行了研究。现有的公交车其实是个非常好的资源, 如果加以充分利用,一定会很大程度改善交通状况, 而且还能达到节能减排,保护环境的目的,城市智能 公交系统的建立应该是未来城市的必经之路,试想 如果在上下班的时候公交车充足,车内没那么拥挤
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