Example-Withdraw Let's model a bank account that has a balance of $100 Argument: Return value: >>withdraw(25) amount to withdraw remaining balance 75 >>withdraw(25) Second withdrawal of the same Different amount return value! 50 >>withdraw(60) Where's this balance stored? 'Insufficient funds' Within the parent frame of the function! >>withdraw(15) 35 A function has a body and a parent >>withdraw environmentExample - Withdraw >>> withdraw(25) 75 >>> withdraw(25) 50 >>> withdraw(60) 'Insufficient funds' >>> withdraw(15) 35 >>> withdraw = make_withdraw(100) Let's model a bank account that has a balance of $100 Argument: amount to withdraw Return value: remaining balance Different return value! Where's this balance stored? 7 Second withdrawal of the same amount A function has a body and a parent environment Within the parent frame of the function!