4.8.3 Difference of Order: The site is aimed to help small and medium-sized manufacturers technically challenged and mistrustful of online transactions find buyers through a user- friendly,commission-free site. 该网站旨在帮助那些技术落后、同时不信任网上 交易的中小型企业通过一个既方便使用又免收佣 金的网站找到买主。 4.8.3 Difference of Order: • The site is aimed to help small and medium-sized manufacturers technically challenged and mistrustful of online transactions find buyers through a user￾friendly, commission-free site. • 该网站旨在帮助那些技术落后、同时不信任网上 交易的中小型企业通过一个既方便使用又免收佣 金的网站找到买主
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