还可以 Not bad 今天怎么样? How did it go today?*用于会议或聚会等特别场合。 How did it go today?(今天怎么样?) So-so.(还凑合吧。) How was your day? 和往常一样 Oh, same as usual How was work today?(今天工作怎么样?) oh, same as usual.(和往常一样 Same old, same old.*俚语。 Another day another dollar. 急着干什么去呀? What's the hurry? hat' s the hurry?(急着干什么去呀?) We' re going to be late for the movie.(我们赶着去看电影呢。) Why are you in a hurry?(为什么那么着急?) Why are you hurrying?(干吗那么着急?) 你去哪儿? Where are you headed?*head是动词, be headed for.表示"向着…前进 here are you going? Where are you off to? 你干吗呢? What are you doing? What are you doing?(你干吗呢?) I'm ironing my shirt.(我在熨衬衫呢。) 我在想点事儿 I was just thinking.*just表示一种”有点”,"不过……"的语感 我只是发了会儿呆。 I was just daydreaming.* daydream"沉湎于幻想 我只是在消磨时间。还可以。 Not bad. 今天怎么样? How did it go today? *用于会议或聚会等特别场合。 How did it go today? (今天怎么样?) So-so. (还凑合吧。) How was your day? 和往常一样。 Oh, same as usual. How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?) Oh, same as usual. (和往常一样。) Same old, same old. *俚语。 Another day, another dollar. 急着干什么去呀? What's the hurry? What's the hurry? (急着干什么去呀?) We're going to be late for the movie. (我们赶着去看电影呢。) Why are you in a hurry? (为什么那么着急?) Why are you hurrying? (干吗那么着急?) 你去哪儿? Where are you headed? *head 是动词,be headed for...表示“向着……前进”。 Where are you going? Where are you off to? 你干吗呢? What are you doing? What are you doing? (你干吗呢?) I'm ironing my shirt. (我在熨衬衫呢。) 我在想点事儿。 I was just thinking. *just 表示一种“有点”,“不过……”的语感。 我只是发了会儿呆。 I was just daydreaming. *daydream “沉湎于幻想”。 我只是在消磨时间
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