答案 【夯基固本】 Inve 4.spare/ free 5. absent 6. greatly 7. Frenchmen 8. unknown 9.explorers 10 I 1-5 BBADA 6-10 CA BDC 11-15 DBADC Ill. 1. according to 2. to write to 3. the following 4. in alphabetical order 5.literature on 6.sudden death 7 admires; for 8. Politics: religion 9. why he raised 10. devoted: to 【综合提升】 ⅣV.【文章人意】本文主要讲述了海伦凯勒的生平经历。小时候生病导致失明、失聪;但 是后来她在老师安妮·萨利文的帮助下接受了教育,通过自身的努力成为美国第一个获得 大学学位的聋盲人。她后来置身于公益事业并且获得了总统自由勋章 1. unknown 2described 3. Education 4developed 5entered/changed 6. blind 7. attending 8.speeches 9. spent答案: 【夯基固本】 I 1. truly 2.succcssfully 3.invvented 4.spare/ free 5.absent 6. greatly 7. Frenchmen 8.unknown 9.explorers 10.spun II .1~5 BBADA 6~10 CA BDC 11-15 DBADC III.1. according to 2. to write to 3. the following 4. in alphabetical order 5.1iterature on 6.sudden death 7.admires ;for 8.Politics; religion 9.why he raised 10.devoted;to 【综合提升】 IV.【文章人意】本文主要讲述了海伦凯勒的生平经历。小时候生病导致失明、失聪;但 是后来她在老师安妮·萨利文的帮助下接受了教育,通过自身的努力成为美国第一个获得 大学学位的聋盲人。她后来置身于公益事业并且获得了总统自由勋章。 1. unknown 2.described 3.Education 4.developed 5.entered/changed 6. blind 7.attending 8.speeches 9. spent 10. list
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