key PartI Global Waming In these times.people all over the world are starting to lear the influence that global warming has on people everywhere.it is a sad truth that this issue is affecting not only merely the weather,but not everyday lives as well. These are numerous reasons to explain this;here I would like to explore some of the most important ones.The development of modern industry must be the biggest reason. Carbon dioxide exerted from some factories is believed to be contributing to the accelerated warming our atmosphere.In addition,the way that we are consuming a greater and greater amount of energy in the process of our day-to-day lives is only exacerbating this problem. Talking into consideration those factors discussed above.I believe there are at least e can take. on ne hand,the g should c up with m stricter laws fort e regulation of ind On the other hand,as individuals,we need to get into the habit of saving energy.With joint effort from every one of us,we can certainly hope for a lasting solution to this problem one day. Part II 1F当出现l这种过于绝对的词语时,考生应该引起注意。一般这样的命题多数 是不正确的。首段中有句话:“All spider oduce silk,but only some construct webs tocatch their food'命题中all的说法过于绝对。 2.T该命题是对原文第二段首句话的同义改写。 key Part I Global Warming In these times, people all over the world are starting to learn the influence that global warming has on people everywhere. it is a sad truth that this issue is affecting not only merely the weather, but not everyday lives as well. These are numerous reasons to explain this; here I would like to explore some of the most important ones. The development of modern industry must be the biggest reason. Carbon dioxide exerted from some factories is believed to be contributing to the accelerated warming our atmosphere. In addition, the way that we are consuming a greater and greater amount of energy in the process of our day-to-day lives is only exacerbating this problem. Talking into consideration those factors discussed above, I believe there are at least two measures we can take: on one hand, the government should come up with more effective and stricter laws for the regulation of industrial emissions and byproducts. On the other hand, as individuals, we need to get into the habit of saving energy. With joint effort from every one of us, we can certainly hope for a lasting solution to this problem one day. Part II 1.F.当出现 all 这种过于绝对的词语时,考生应该引起注意。一般这样的命题多数 是不正确的。首段中有句话:“All spiders produce silk, but only some construct webs to catch their food”命题中 all 的说法过于绝对。 2.T.该命题是对原文第二段首句话的同义改写
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