Optimizing existing large codebase Measiare Modernice Mem threads low Make use of latest C++features oC++has evolved dramatically between 2010 and now o three new versions:C++11,C++14,C++17 o a LOT of new features targeting performance ●move semantic threading library variadic templates vectorization coming o converting existing code may already brings speed see Danilo's course for technical details o see my extended C++course if you're not at ease with the language 14/62 S.Ponce-CERNOptimizing existing large codebase 14 / 62 S. Ponce - CERN Measure Modernize Mem threads low level c/c Make use of latest C++features C ++has evolved dramatically between 2010 and now three new versions : C++11, C++14, C++17 a LOT of new features targeting performance move semantic threading library variadic templates vectorization coming ! converting existing code may already brings speed see Danilo’s course for technical details see my extended C++course if you’re not at ease with the language
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