XXX Symbols dhfgorioa characteristic function xw(n.)=ex() Wigner characteristic function 1),) state vectors |t》 time-evolved or time-dependent state vector Eigenket of energy corresponding to eigenvalue E(in the continuous case) 1Ψe) quantum state of the electromagnetic field 1山.) n-th stationary state H state vector in the Heisenberg picture |1 state vector in the Dirac picture I山)s state vector in the Schrodinger picture (x),(r) wave functions in the position representation (,(传) (px),(p) Fourier transform of the wave functions (r,s) wave function with a spinor component eigenfunctions ofin spherical coordinates x,p(r,(r,吹(r) momentum eigenfunctions in the positior representation Ve(x) energy eigenfucntion in the position represer ation Vs.VA symmetric and antisymmetric wavefucntions, respectively 1业) )SA ket desc ing an objects system plus apparatu compound system )sM ket describing an objects system plus meter compound system |Ψ)sAE ket describing an objects system plus apparatu plus environment compound system Ψ(x),业(r) wave function of a compound system @=2Tv angular frequency ®jk ratio between energy levels Ek-Ej and h 2 space Other Symbols Nabla operator 1 scalar product (j.j2,mi,m2l j,m) Clebsch-Gordan coefficient external product ) mean value xxx Symbols χ(η, η∗) = e|η| 2  d2αeηα∗−αη∗ Q(α, α∗) characteristic function χW (η, η∗) = e− 1 2 |η| 2 χ(η, η∗) Wigner characteristic function |ψ,  ψ  state vectors |ψ(t) time-evolved or time-dependent state vector  ψE  Eigenket of energy corresponding to eigenvalue E (in the continuous case) |&F quantum state of the electromagnetic field |ψn n-th stationary state |ψ H state vector in the Heisenberg picture |ψI state vector in the Dirac picture |ψ S state vector in the Schrödinger picture ψ(x), ψ(r) wave functions in the position representation ψ(η), ψ(ξ ) wave functions of two arbitrary continuous observables, η and ξ , respectively ψ˜ (px ), ψ˜ (p) Fourier transform of the wave functions ψ(r,s) wave function with a spinor component ψ(r, θ, φ) eigenfunctions of ˆlz in spherical coordinates ψp(x), ψp(r), ψk (x), ψk(r) momentum eigenfunctions in the position representation ψE (x) energy eigenfucntion in the position representation ψS, ψA symmetric and antisymmetric wavefucntions, respectively |& ket of a compund system |&SA ket describing an objects system plus apparatus compound system |&SM ket describing an objects system plus meter compound system |&SAE ket describing an objects system plus apparatus plus environment compound system &(x), &(r) wave function of a compound system ω = 2πν angular frequency ωB = eB m electron cyclotron frequency ωjk ratio between energy levels Ek − E j and h¯ ' space Other Symbols ∇ Nabla operator · | · · scalar product j1, j2, m1, m2 | j, m Clebsch–Gordan coefficient |· ·| external product · mean value
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