Vol.31 Suppl.I 曾新光:轴承钢中N夹杂物析出的控制 .149. (7)模铸时采取罩式氩气保护浇注, (陈家祥,炼钢常用图表数据手册,北京:冶金工业出版社, (8)使用低氮合金及辅助材料. 1984) [4]Fu J.Kinetics of Steelmaking Process.Beijing:Metallurgical In 5结论 dustry Press.2001:30 (傅杰.钢冶金过程动力学.北京:冶金工业出版社,2001: (1)按GCr15钢目前实际控制水平,在液相线 30) 以上不会析出TN夹杂,但在钢液凝固率>0.2时 [5]Qu Y.Foundation of Steelmaking.Beijing:Metallurgical Indus- TiN夹杂将稳定析出, try Press.1980:68 (2)在[Ti]<15×10-6、[N]<50×10-6的情 (曲英.炼钢学原理.北京:冶金工业出版社,1980:68) [6]Zhang J Y.Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy.Metallurgical In- 况下,TiN夹杂在凝固率>0.5时才会析出 dustry Press.2004 (③)要将钢液中的钛完全氧化必须将钢液中的 (张家芸.冶金物理化学.北京:冶金工业出版社,2004) 碳氧化至较低水平;由于合金中含有一定的铝,因 [7]Sigworth G K,Elliot J F.The thermodynamics of liquid dilute 此,出钢过程合金带入的钛难以氧化, iron alloys.Met Sci.1974.8:298 (4)出钢过程不进行强脱氧操作,可减少电炉 [8]Ozturk B.Matway R,Fruehan R J.Thermodynamics of Inclu- sion Formation in Fe-CrTi-N Alloys.Metall Mater Trans B, 下渣中TO2的还原和钢液吸氮, 1995,26,563 (5)电炉采用高的脱碳速度和脱碳量能有效降 [9]Ariyo C.Holappa L.A critical Literature Survey on the Deoxida- 低[N],模铸采用罩式氩气保护浇注可减少增[N] tion Parameters of Boron and Titanium//Report TKK-V-B73. (6)无论是降低[Ti]含量还是降低[N]含量,都 Finland:Helsinki University of Technology,1992:33 应当选用低Ti或低TiO2、低N合金及辅助材料. [10]Toge T,Watanabe T.The deoxidation ability of silicon in molten stainless steel.Trans Iron Steel Inst Ipn,1975.15: 580 参考文献 [11]Steelmaking Data Sourcebook.The Japan Society for the Pro- [1]Fu J.Nitrogen and titanium controlling in alloyed steel.Chin motion of Science.New York:Gordon And Breach.1988:169 Rare Earth Soc,2000,18(9):394-399 [12]Yuanchang G.Changzhen W.Interaction coefficients in FeC- (傅杰.合金钢中的氮、钛控制,中国稀土学报,2000,18(9): Ti-i (i=Si.Cr.Al.Ni)systems.Metall Mater Trans B. 1990,21.543 394) [2]Yang Q.ZhangZ.Numerical Simulation of Solidification and [13]Wada H.Pehlke R D.Nitrogen solution and titanium nitride Casting.Hanghou:Zhejiang University Press,1996 precipitation in liquid Fe-Cr-Ni alloys.Metall Mater Tran B. (杨全,张真金属凝固与铸造过程数值模拟.杭州:浙江大学 1977,8:443 出版社,1996) [14]Li G.Inoue R,Suito H.Measurement of aluminum or silicon [3]Cheng J.Manual of Steelmaking Data.Beijing:Metallurgical activity in Fe-Ni (0%)alloys using mullite and Zr02 based Industry Press.1984 solid electrolyte galvanic cell.Steel Res.1996.67(1):528(7) 模铸时采取罩式氩气保护浇注. (8) 使用低氮合金及辅助材料. 5 结论 (1) 按 GCr15钢目前实际控制水平‚在液相线 以上不会析出 TiN 夹杂.但在钢液凝固率>0∙2时 TiN 夹杂将稳定析出. (2) 在[Ti]<15×10—6、[N ]<50×10—6的情 况下‚TiN 夹杂在凝固率>0∙5时才会析出. (3) 要将钢液中的钛完全氧化必须将钢液中的 碳氧化至较低水平;由于合金中含有一定的铝‚因 此‚出钢过程合金带入的钛难以氧化. (4) 出钢过程不进行强脱氧操作‚可减少电炉 下渣中 TiO2 的还原和钢液吸氮. (5) 电炉采用高的脱碳速度和脱碳量能有效降 低[N]‚模铸采用罩式氩气保护浇注可减少增[N]. (6) 无论是降低[Ti]含量还是降低[N]含量‚都 应当选用低 Ti 或低 TiO2、低 N 合金及辅助材料. 参 考 文 献 [1] Fu J.Nitrogen and titanium controlling in alloyed steel.J Chin Rare Earth Soc‚2000‚18(9):394—399 (傅杰.合金钢中的氮、钛控制.中国稀土学报‚2000‚18(9): 394) [2] Yang Q‚Zhang Z.Numerical Simulation of Solidification and Casting.Hangzhou:Zhejiang University Press‚1996 (杨全‚张真.金属凝固与铸造过程数值模拟.杭州:浙江大学 出版社‚1996) [3] Cheng J.Manual of Steelmaking Data.Beijing:Metallurgical Industry Press‚1984 (陈家祥.炼钢常用图表数据手册.北京:冶金工业出版社‚ 1984) [4] Fu J.Kinetics of Steelmaking Process.Beijing:Metallurgical In￾dustry Press‚2001:30 (傅杰.钢冶金过程动力学.北京:冶金工业出版社‚2001: 30) [5] Qu Y.Foundation of Steelmaking.Beijing:Metallurgical Indus￾try Press‚1980:68 (曲英.炼钢学原理.北京:冶金工业出版社‚1980:68) [6] Zhang J Y.Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy.Metallurgical In￾dustry Press‚2004 (张家芸.冶金物理化学.北京:冶金工业出版社‚2004) [7] Sigworth G K‚Elliot J F.The thermodynamics of liquid dilute iron alloys.Met Sci‚1974‚8:298 [8] Ozturk B‚Matway R‚Fruehan R J.Thermodynamics of Inclu￾sion Formation in Fe-Cr-T-i N Alloys. Metall Mater T rans B‚ 1995‚26:563 [9] Ariyo C‚Holappa L.A critical Literature Survey on the Deoxida￾tion Parameters of Boron and Titanium ∥ Report T KK-V-B73‚ Finland:Helsinki University of Technology‚1992:33 [10] Toge T‚Watanabe T.The deoxidation ability of silicon in molten stainless steel.T rans Iron Steel Inst Jpn‚1975‚15: 580 [11] Steelmaking Data Sourcebook.The Japan Society for the Pro￾motion of Science.New York:Gordon And Breach‚1988:169 [12] Yuanchang G‚Changzhen W.Interaction coefficients in Fe-C￾T-i i ( i =Si‚Cr‚Al‚Ni) systems. Metall Mater T rans B‚ 1990‚21:543 [13] Wada H‚Pehlke R D.Nitrogen solution and titanium nitride precipitation in liquid Fe-Cr-Ni alloys. Metall Mater T ran B‚ 1977‚8:443 [14] Li G‚Inoue R‚Suito H.Measurement of aluminum or silicon activity in Fe-Ni (<30%) alloys using mullite and ZrO2 based solid electrolyte galvanic cell.Steel Res‚1996‚67(1):528 Vol.31Suppl.1 曾新光: 轴承钢中 TiN 夹杂物析出的控制 ·149·
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