《实用汉译英》期末考试试卷(A)(05-06上学期)(参考答案) 专业学号 姓名 成绩 一、判断下列译文的正误(正:打勾,误:打叉)(10% 1、万福大酒店 √Nanfu Hotel xWanfu Wine Shop 2、感谢收看节目,晚安: x Thank you for receiving the program!Good nightl Thank you for being with us!Good night! 3、做文明人,行清洁路 xBehave properly to keep the path clean Keep the environment clean 4.当心滑跌 ×Cautiousslip √Slippery 5.限高3.3米 Restricted Height 3.3M xLimited Tall 3.3 METERS 6、进门赢大奖 √Come In And Wir XEnter in the Door and Win Big Prize 7、该产品在香港、台湾、东南亚和其他国家深受欢迎 xThe product is widely welcome in HK.Taiwan Southeast Asia and other countries The product sells well in Hong Kong and Taiwan regions as well as Southeast Asian and other countries 8、您呵护我成长,我维护您健康 XYou care my growing and I care your health (No Step) √Keep off the Grass 9、一步跨进历史,一日游治中国 One step takes you into the history of China,one day enables you to tour the whole of China. xOne step promptly takes you into the history of China.one day adequately enables you to tour the whole of China. 10、护林防火你我有责 xProtect trees from fire is the duties of your and me Fire prevention starts from you and me《实用汉译英》期末考试试卷 (A) (05-06上学期) (参考答案) 专业_ 学号 _ 姓名_ 成绩_ 一、判断下列译文的正误(正:打勾,误:打叉)(10%) 1、 万福大酒店 √Wanfu Hotel ×Wanfu Wine Shop 2、感谢收看节目,晚安! ×Thank you for receiving the program! Good night! √Thank you for being with us! Good night! 3、做文明人,行清洁路 ×Behave properly to keep the path clean √Keep the environment clean 4、当心滑跌 ×Cautious slip √Slippery 5、限高3.3米 √Restricted Height 3.3 M ×Limited Tall 3.3 METERS 6、进门赢大奖 √Come In And Win ×Enter in the Door and Win Big Prize 7、该产品在香港、台湾、东南亚和其他国家深受欢迎 ×The product is widely welcome in HK. Taiwan Southeast Asia and other countries. √The product sells well in Hong Kong and Taiwan regions as well as Southeast Asian and other countries. 8、您呵护我成长,我维护您健康 ×You care my growing and I care your health (No Step) √Keep off the Grass 9、一步跨进历史,一日游遍中国 √One step takes you into the history of China, one day enables you to tour the whole of China. ×One step promptly takes you into the history of China, one day adequately enables you to tour the whole of China. 10、护林防火 你我有责 ×Protect trees from fire is the duties of your and me √Fire prevention starts from you and me
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