Chapter 5 Bruner's learning Theory o Discovery learning: an example o MACOS uses novelty to stimulate curiosity by exposing students to unfamiliar people, places, and practices. It also helps students to structure the content by repeatedly calling attention to four kinds of contrast: humans versus animals, humans versus prehistorical evolutionary precursors, contemporary humans versus primitive humans, and adults versus children. In general the program tries to provide students with models to use in analyzing the social world, to impart respect for the capacities of humans as a continually evolving species, and to develop students' confidence in their own thinking and problem-solving abilitiesChapter 5 Bruner’s Learning Theory ⚫ Discovery learning: an example ⚫ MACOS uses novelty to stimulate curiosity by exposing students to unfamiliar people, places, and practices. It also helps students to structure the content by repeatedly calling attention to four kinds of contrast: humans versus animals, humans versus prehistorical evolutionary precursors, contemporary humans versus primitive humans, and adults versus children. In general, the program tries to provide students with models to use in analyzing the social world, to impart respect for the capacities of humans as a continually evolving species, and to develop students' confidence in their own thinking and problem-solving abilities
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