Processing of Advanced Thermoplastic Composites 107 TABLE 31.Comparative Room Temperature Properties of Composite Laminates Made from Unidirectional Prepreg Tapes and Fabrics [98] Prepreg Tape Comingled Woven Comingled Woven Co-Woven No Crimp Plain Weave Structure Plain Weave Plies 10 16 0 12 Panel Thickness 5 7.9 10 7.5 Per Ply (mils) Specific Gravity 1.56 1.55 1.53 1.53 Fiber Content (vol % 60.0 56.1 57.7 61.8 Void Content (vol % 1.9 2.1 3.2 44 Flexural Properties 244.7(1687.1) 219.6(1514.1) 177.2(1221.7刀 166.8(1150.0) Strength.ksi (MPa) Modutus.Msi (GPa) 15.7(108.2) 14.2(97.9) 15.4(106.2) 9.4(64.8) Transverse Tensile Strength,ksi (Mpa) 13.2(91.0) 9.3(64.1) 3.725.5) (Not Tested) H2O Absorption (wt % 0.15 0.22 0.17 2.0Processing of Advanced Thermoplastic Composites 107 TABLE 31. Comparative Room Temperature Properties of Composite Laminates Made from Unidirectional Prepreg Tapes and Fabrics [98] Plies Panel Thickness Per Ply (mils) Specific Gravity Fiber Content (vol %) Void Content (vol %) Flexural Properties Strength, ksi (MPa) Modulus, Msi (GPa) Transverse Tenslie Strength, ksi (Mpa) t-t20 Absorption (WI %) Prepreg Tape 10 5 1.56 60.0 1.9 244.7 (1667.1) 15.7 (108.2) 13.2 (91.0) 0.15 Comingled Woven Plain Weave 16 7.9 1.55 56.1 2.1 219.6 (1514.1) 14.2 (97.9) 9.3 (64.1) 0.22 Comingled Woven No Crimp Structure 8 10 1.53 57.7 3.2 177.2 (1221.7) 15.4 (106.2) 3.7 (25.5) 0.17 Co-Woven Plain Weave 12 7.5 1.53 61.6 4.4 166.8 (1150.0) 9.4 (64.8) (Not Tested) 2.0
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