knowledge,the civilized savagery of war,and new manners and morals. She drew on her personal,sensitive,poetic awareness without rejecting altogether the heritage of literary culture she derived from her family. Woolf was immortalized in the title of Edward Albee's 1962 play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. 3.0 Major Works Mrs.Dalloway,.《达罗威夫人》 To the Lighthouse,《到灯塔去》 Jacob's Room,《雅各之室》 In The Waves(《海浪》,I93)she masterfully employed the stream-of-consciousness technique. Other experimental novels include Orlando(1928,《奥兰多》 The Years(1937),《岁月》 Between the Acts(1941),《两幕之间》 With To the Lighthouse (1927)and The Waves (1931),Woolf 5 established herselfas one of the leading writers ofmodernism. The Common Reader(1925) The Second Common Reader(1933) Virginia Woolf's championship of woman's rights is reflected in knowledge, the civilized savagery of war, and new manners and morals. She drew on her personal, sensitive, poetic awareness without rejecting altogether the heritage of literary culture she derived from her family. Woolf was immortalized in the title of Edward Albee's 1962 play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. 3.0 Major Works Mrs. Dalloway, 《达罗威夫人》 To the Lighthouse,《到灯塔去》 Jacob‘s Room,《雅各之室》 In The Waves (《海浪》, 1931) she masterfully employed the stream-of-consciousness technique. Other experimental novels include Orlando (1928), 《奥兰多》 The Years (1937), 《岁月》 Between the Acts (1941), 《两幕之间》 With To the Lighthouse (1927) and The Waves (1931), Woolf established herself as one of the leading writers of modernism. The Common Reader (1925) The Second Common Reader(1933) Virginia Woolf’s championship of woman's rights is reflected in 5’ 10’ 5’
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